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Everything posted by JamesL

  1. This nails what I was going to say. I killed off most of my fish in my 24g once by re-arranging the liverock after a few years. I kicked up a lot of "gunk" and it zapped the oxygen levels in the tank overnight Now, at that time I wasn't running a skimmer, so that might have made things a lot worse.
  2. In a bucket would be fine. I am pretty sure they would give you store credit, but you might call ahead and ask. Rock rubble is just small pieces of live rock that normally have broken off in transit. Almost all stores have some they they will sell you for relatively cheap. It doesn't even have to be "live" rock, it could be "base" rock rubble also. Basically you just want a porous surface for beneficial bacteria to grow on. Well, they both are kind of scavengers... The pistol will on scavenge from the sand, and the cleaner will scavenge from anywhere (sand, rock, right out of a corals mouth! ) Hmm.. never heard of setting up a live krill tank before. I think most of us feed our fish a combination pellets/flake, and frozen mysis.
  3. I'm sorry for derailing a bit, but this picture instantly came to mind when you wrote this
  4. I was going to try going to it seeing how close it is to me. Already dropped the hint the frag swap would be a great father's day present
  5. There is a possibility I will come to the meeting. Unsure what is all going on that day yet.
  6. You never know ... there could be an "eating" category one month
  7. Ug, sorry to hear I believe it takes clownfish time to build up the slime immunity for a particular anemone. So it might be possible if the new fish was sick/stressed he accidently swam into the anemone before doing the "dance" to build up the immunity.
  8. JamesL

    WTT: grouper

    Have you thought about maybe trading him in to a local store? Most stores will generally give you credit for around half of what they sell the fish for. Just suggesting as a grouper requires a tank with no little fish (which most reef tanks have).
  9. JamesL

    2 Pencil Urchins

    Plans made, pending trade for both.
  10. JamesL

    2 Pencil Urchins

    That sounds fine. Unfortunately the urchins are at home in Buda, and I am at work in SW Austin. So today is probably not too feasible. I can capture them tonight and arrange to meet you somewhere tomorrow?
  11. JamesL

    2 Pencil Urchins

    Hmm.. the zoa colors look nice, wouldn't mind the single zoa. But I already have a decent sized frogspawn, so not really looking for more of that.
  12. Let me grow them out for a while. There was some die off on the frag when I got them yesterday that I partially cleaned off, and my fish did the rest. So I want to let the colony recover a bit.
  13. JamesL

    2 Pencil Urchins

    I have two pencil urchins that are each about the size of jumbo lime. They are fantastic algae eaters, but lately have been having the bad habit of knocking frags off the live rock (that were decently secured with epoxy). I will warn that one of them took a small chomp out of a little SPS I had, but I think that was because there was bubble algae at it's base. Just looking to trade one of both for a small frag of zoa's. Prefect for someone with an algae problem Here is what they look like (this picture was take in late April, they are a bit bigger now):
  14. Welcome! I think the previous posters answered pretty much everything for you. Like they said slow and steady will lead to a happy tank You are already on a great start with all the research and questions. Feel free to ask more!
  15. $18 is a whole lot less than the $200+ I was looking at with Vivid
  16. I didn't even order anything, and I am excited for you guys
  17. Very nice! I really like the top two pictures. Bringing such small detail into focus is nice.
  18. While not the best picture, I grabbed one this morning before my lights came on. My new pink zoas were starting to open:
  19. Caught him sleeping on these gorgonians.
  20. Continued new pictures.... Shot of the greens. They are spreading fast, but they are hard to get a picture of. Lighter blues: Lots-o-blues: The candy canes: More candy canes: Orange brain: Cynaria (getting more green in it): Another shot of the blasto: Frogspawn: Tongue:
  21. And the final shots. Part of the zoa collection: Left side: Right side: Full:
  22. Purchased some pink zoa's today from the Dome. Unfortunately when I was taking pictures they still looked like this: Though by the end of the night, part of them started to open. Will try to grab some pictures tomorrow. In the mean time, took some various pictures of the rest of the corals. Blasto: Sun Coral: Some of my blues: Some of my reds: Peek-a-boo with the jawfish: The anemone moved to the front: Closeup of my big toadstool: Some different reds: Some more blues, never notices the flecks of green in the tentacles. More in next post.
  23. Holy macaroni! $30K?!? Must be a LFS or something stocking up.
  24. Well, that other canary blenny is still at the dome if you want him. I decided he was too small for what I was looking for as my next additions. I ended up just picking up some nice colored pink zoa's. There was a nice grey and read open brain I almost got, but didn't want to spend that much money today
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