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Everything posted by JamesL

  1. I have a brown with green flecks cynaria which up to a few days agao was a deep rich brown. But a few days ago it bleached out a lot. It is eating fine, but the color radically shifted in a short time. I have not moved it, and nothing has changed in the tank. All of my other LPS (blasto and orange brain) near it are doing fine. Any thoughts? Before picture: Current picture:
  2. Wow, this is awesome! Now you have me wanting to watch that movie again. We haven't really named many fish. We used to have a yellow clown goby called Sunny. His replacement was called Junior. I think the only other thing named in the tank was my first striped pistol shrimp named Snap.
  3. Great pictures folks! Keep them coming
  4. Last week I created three frags of this (but left part of the mother colony). Last night all the polyps on the frags were gone Not sure if they came unglued, melted, or hermits carried them off. I would be surprised if they came unglued, because I glued down some loose green zoas I got in trade for an urchin, and they are going strong. The mother colony is doing OK so far.
  5. System and accessories are gone. Just have 3 games left (007, Lego Star Wars, and Rayman Rabbids).
  6. He has a good home to be in
  7. The buy one get one free offer is nice of them. Will have to recheck out their site.
  8. Me? No, the shrimp we were gettin gout of the seaweed were mostly clear, though we had a few larger black ones (about the size of a cleaner).
  9. JamesL

    hello :)

    Welcome! These are nice looking ... what are they?
  10. Can't comment on the collecting part... But over the Memorial Day weekend we were in Port A (Mustang Island), and one of the days tons of sea weed was washing up on the shore. We were out shaking it into a bucket and found tons of stuff. Mostly small crabs and shrimps, and lots of greenish nudibranchs. But my sister-in-law found what I think was an anglerfish. I have video of it at home, just need to get it up (my pictures of it didn't come out). We released it back into the gulf. I was also told sometimes seahorses are found in the sea weed. The sad part was all of this was washing onto shore, thus everything was mot likely eaten by the throngs of birds.
  11. JamesL


    A previous GBTA I had never developed two mouths before splitting. It just split down the middle and when both healed, they both had mouths. And congrats on the splitting Mark
  12. That sponge is very cool!! And I also like the whisker corals. Taking notes of the stuff I like...
  13. There, I think I have the posts merged correctly now Hard to do on my iPhone screen!
  14. Is is tissue or cyno? It is kind of hard to tell from the picture.
  15. Hmm. I would think a healthy fish (especially a rang) would be able to outswim an emerald crab. The fish still nderthe arrive alive guaruntee?
  16. Doh! If I would have known, I could have brought a piece today. So far I have been letting it "naturally" frag, but there is a decent sized chuck that has started that I could speed up. You looking for something attached at a rock? I only have a teeny tiny piece right now that I am trying to get attached. It takes a couple of weeks for a freshly fragged piece to attach and start growing again. Just so you know, the polyps are just light green, not some of those crazy greens I have seen before. -James
  17. That's OK, was just asking I understand starting with PC lights... I did also. It is amazing what metal halides do for zoas!
  18. Hmm... what lights do you have? If I remember correctly, the dragonflys looked a lot more purpley in the centers on Vivid's site. But very nice stuff!
  19. I can't remember the name of the pellets, but they sell them at the Dome, and it is a clear container with a blue lid. My single blasto head eats mysis and small chunks of krill. I guess it really does not grab them, but if I lay some pieces on it's mouth (with the pumps off), it envelops them and eats them.
  20. Ok, just wanted to followup on the whole palytoxin item. Between your guy's experiences and one on a another board, I am a believer. Just finished reading a post were someone tried fragging their pay's in the tank, there was a major slimming, and now the tank is crashing majorly (all SPS bleached overnight, LPS flesh detaching from skeletons, etc) Of course the Paly's are doing fine.
  21. JamesL

    2 Pencil Urchins

    One traded. Nice meeting you Rob! The other is spoken for if it ever unlodges itself from my skimmer baffles.
  22. Have you fed anything to the tank yet? My sun polyps open up when ever I feed pellets to the tank (they must like the smell). Plus remember, they like more of a shaded spot since they are not photosynthetic.
  23. Thanks It is one of my favorites right now. It is a pig, and eats a lot, so hopefully I can get it to grow some new heads soon.
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