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Posts posted by JamesL

  1. Sweet! I am really loving my RBTA. It has gotten really bubbly lately, and am wondering if that is because it is time for me to change the MH bulb.

    I have one clown that always hosts in the anemone, and the other clown half hosts the anemone, and half hosts in some palys also.

  2. Yes, Apex Controllable and we will offer pre-configured spectra options :-) Will have estimated availability dates soon.


    Are these still coming? I don't seem them on the web site. It is getting time for me to replace the MH bulb on my nano tank, and I would really like to transition it to a BML fixture :)

  3. most people run 78 - 80 (i think), but more often than not people have a problem with keeping the temps down and not up. it's great if you can keep it that cool. best i would say is to check out your livestock preferences to get an idea what temps they like. or you can check the guys in your tank and see if they look happy where it's at. if they do, then i wouldn't worry much about it until you start adding new things that may be more sensitive.

    There was a poll done on the board asking people their parameters: http://www.austinreefclub.com/topic/27946-arc-poll-what-are-your-target-tank-parameters/

    And Planeden is right... 78 is about the average temp people keep their tanks.

  4. We have no choice out here in Buda land (just TWC). But we have the Turbo option (I think 20Mbps option) and have no troubles doing lots of video streaming. We dropped cable TV years ago, so live off of internet based media (Netflix, Hulu Plus, Amazon VOD, etc). I am trying to see how much data we use in one month. Found it. According to TWC, we use between 250GB and 300GB per month. Now, a lot of this is probably the kids watching Netflix and PBS kids.

    Now with that said, you live in Austin proper... you do know Google Fiber is coming next year, right? If you can rally your neighborhood to get enough people to sign up, you could be singing pretty with 1Gbps (1000Mbps) internet speeds at the same price as TWC current process for 20Mbps!

  5. thanks james,

    you feed once every few weeks? wow, i see people online saying that "oh, clowns should be fed 10x a day". i usually feed daily. sometimes skip a day.

    i probably shouldn't, and definitely don't need to, feed my palys often, but like i said, i just like seeing them eat. maybe i'll get bored with it, but man my palys seem to grow fast.

    i haven't noticed anything nipping at my gorg, but i haven't had a lot of intimate time, gazing lovingly into it's eyes, with my tank lately. but, it does seem happier where it is. it is "bushier" and i don't think it is deteriorating anymore. of course, it's been three days or so.

    the reduced lighting is continuing to help the brown stuff. still haven't vacuumed the sand. but i'm hoping to do that before leaving town for thanksgiving.

    Frozen foods, I probably feed once every few weeks. But I do feed some pellets occasionally. And my small tank I do feed more often, since the clowns almost jump out of the water when I walk by :). But I have no issues with letting the tanks go almost a week without food.

  6. Like Kim said, the Palys really don't need any direct feeding. Mine get some accidental food when I feed the rest of the tank (that great once every few weeks event).

    As for the gorg, it is a light loving one, so maybe your new position will help. Also, make sure no one is nipping at it. I have a coral beauty angel in my large tank that loved to pick at that same one. I moved it to my small tank, and it is happy again. Also, I seem to remember with mine it never really seemed to grow for a while, then one day it just took off.

    Great progress on that tank!

    I seem to fighting the same brown "stuff" in my tanks too lately. I thought it was because I re-arranged the big tank recently and kicked up a bunch of junk from the sand. But I am thinking it might be the cooler weather now...

  7. Dang, you have a steady hand there Dave. Most of my panoramas come out jagged at the top due to me moving the phone to much vertically.

    Plus all of these FTS look great! I need to clean the tanks to get some shots now :)

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  8. These look great!

    Are you thinking about offering some pre-selected reef spectrums (I love my 2 48" BMLs on my 75!)? I would love something like this where I could stage a sunrise/sunset with blues going to full spectrum mid-day.

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