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Everything posted by JamesL

  1. JamesL


    Yep, you can see them in my 75g Tank blog.
  2. I really like that pistol shrimp!
  3. JamesL


    On the outskirts on 967, about half way between downtown Buda and the Salt Lick (Ruby Ranch subdivision).
  4. Hey, it is only BFE for the post office. UPS and Fedex both can do overnight.
  5. JamesL


    Welcome to ARC! The Buda/Kyle population just keeps growing Setting up a seahorse tank is on my wish list. One day, one day. -James
  6. 3pm (it is in the first post of this thread ).
  7. Oo.. I like to hear this, as I have a perfect spot in my tank that has a little bit of shade. To add to the Stanfords questions, do different acan frags fight with each other? Or are they like rics and frogspawn where you they can be sitting near by?
  8. Following along, as I am getting my first acans next week (one of them from azcummins ). I had planned on putting them on the sand bed. What type/wattage of lights do you have over the tank? I would assume that would make a difference on location (I have 2 150w MH over my 75g).
  9. JamesL

    WTT: grouper

    Well if the grouper is getting big, seems like you might have a solution for your damsel problem
  10. Definitely count me in now. My plans got shuffled around, am now definitely free that afternoon. Will try and make up some cookies to bring
  11. JamesL

    Acan frags

    Put me down for #4. (PM'ing you)
  12. Hmm.. ok. I will go along with that Well, I think I might have a clue on this. And it might just come down to me not being able to read. I think I have been dosing the calcium in too large of quantities. I mis-read the bottle and was instantly dosing at right around the max dose. Though my calcium test is reading only 300. At least none of my other corals seem to be affected.
  13. Next week you will be able to
  14. I think it is fine since you are a Premium Member.
  15. *whistles* Very very nice!! Those are some very nice sized colonies. Would hate to see the bill for them
  16. 75 gallon sump!! My main tank is only 75g Sounds like this is going to be a great set up .. tagging along.
  17. Some dwarf angels might be able to, but they have the same possible side effects of nipping on corals. It varies from each individual fish to another.
  18. cmanning: I would agree with almost everything you mentioned if I had just added this coral to the tank. But it has been in the tank (heck, same spot) for probably 4 months. This bleaching happened just a few days ago. But, you did bring up something I need to check. I started dosing calcium a few weeks back. This could be a cause. Need to pull out my calcium test kit. JimD: Yes, it is very plump, and eats fine. But there has been a huge color shift. And I admit the pictures are off. The first one was take with no flash, and the second one was (quickly) taken with a flash. So I guess not the best to compare with.
  19. Looking very nice! And love the chair next to the tank. I used to have a chair next to my 24g, it got used a lot No room now with my 75g.
  20. Just wanted to put out a friendly reminder for everyone to update their profile to include your general location. I am not suggesting street address, but a general location like North/Central/South Austin, Buda, Killeen, Kyle, etc. I have noticed when people post items for trade/sale, one of the first questions asked is "where are you located". This would help people a bunch by letting them know where you are located at. Thanks! -James
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