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Everything posted by JamesL

  1. If the glass with shrimp is in there for just a short time (say overnight), you shouldn't have any problems. And something like thawed krill would work as bait.
  2. Congrats guys on being part of the over 1 million 3GS's sold this weekend
  3. I had a very nice relaxing Father's Day today. So I finally had time to take the knife to my leather coral. It was a little heartbreaking, as it is my oldest coral that I grew from the size of a quarter. But things seem to have gone well, all of the frags are glued down and in the tank. Stay tuned for some for sale once they heal. And here is a real quick picture of the acan collection. I was trying to get Mark's in focus (the far left), but the green on in the middle got all of the attention.
  4. Sorry to hear of your loss If the mucus cocoon looked mostly intact, I would doubt the hermits got to it. If you hadn't noticed anything odd about the wrasse in the prior days, I suspect it will just have to be marked as an unknown cause of death.
  5. Best deal would have been winning the bucket at yesterday's meeting (Congrats princer!) And since the site is not directly selling stuff, I think the outside link is OK.
  6. I find myself using the recent topics and blogs boxes a lot. It would be nice to easily know when there are new comments on blog entries. I have yet close anything, though I would like a way to have the tracked threads default to being shown instead of forums.
  7. After the meeting tonight, I stopped by RCA to make the most of my time up north. Picked up 3 pink skunk clownfish. Hopefully yhty will host in the GBTA. Also picked up my acan frag from Mark ... looks great, and is settling in nicely. Will get some pictures once it is fully happy.
  8. Yes, thanks again for the sponsorship! While I didn't win any of them (they were some bags of supplements, fragging supplies, and a bucket of salt), it was great to make it to the store. The clownfish are doing well in my tank.
  9. Thanks again for the hosting! Andrew, did I miss you at the meeting? I got there late (almost 4pm) due to horrible traffic on 35.
  10. Will a plate of chocolate mint chocolate chip cookies cover the surcharge?
  11. Thanks for the intermediate delivery point! Sorry won't meet up with you tomorrow, but looking forward to the meeting. -James
  12. Wow.. those videos are nice an clear. So what was the activation process like using your wife's upgrade? I presume you kept your own number?
  13. Good thing you got yours activated, reports are coming out that it might take up to 2 days for some phones to get activated due to the overwhelming number of phones being sold. I am truely amazed... they are saying Apple might sell more 3GS's this weekend than they did 3G's during it's opening weekend.
  14. Az must still be standing in line... haven't heard much from him today
  15. Oh, and don't feel bad for not staying. For the 3G I stood in line twice, as the first time (on release day) it took so long that I had to leave for an appointment.
  16. JamesL

    new fish

    Very nice... I was just reading a thread on another site where someone's Banggai's had babies.
  17. I am surprised, as this wasn't that radical of a hardware change ... and I am sure there are a decent amount of people not eligible for the full subsidized price.
  18. Thanks to both of you That toadstool is probably may oldest coral, over 3 years old. I had gotten it when it was just the size of a quarter.
  19. I wish I did ... that was my favorite coral. But at one point I had gotten a bicolor blenny and the little #$@! kept nipping at it. I got rid of the fish, but the plate never made a full recovery and eventually died. I have been looking for another one, but they have been expensive at the LFS.
  20. Woke up this morning to find my last naked clown dead Not sure why ... but he/she (probably she) has seemed "lonely" the past week ... swimming along the side of the tank with it's reflection. I had planned on getting another non-naked clown for companionship in the near future. Will probably get a pair (or more) or some other clowns here soon, that will hopefully host in my GBTA.
  21. Hopefully the lines are a lot shorter than last year when the 3G came out
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