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Everything posted by JamesL

  1. Sorry, I am not hip enough to have a Facebook page
  2. Eh, could go either way. Just started fiddling with the status thingy in my profile the other day. I really don't see myself using it that much.
  3. Were my eyes deceiving me this morning, or was there a new side bar showing recent status updates? It seems to be gone now...
  4. I still think these videos came out really good, considering they are from a phone video camera We need more pictures of your prize coral that can be seen in the Yasha video!!
  5. Hey, that looks familiar Nice looking piece.
  6. Mama, You should see an "Edit" button at the bottom right of your posts. If you click on it you should be able to quick edit your posts. To change the title, you need to click on the "Use Full Editor" in that new screen. It is a new interface, so people are learning. I fixed your title for you though -James
  7. Great explanation of the rubberband method. Thanks
  8. Reef roids are similar to cyclopeeze, except in a dry powder form. I have used then in the past and really liked them. I have seen my sun corals physically grab particles out of the water column. I have been trying Coral Frenzy lately, but am not really liking it.
  9. I believe your PM box is full. If you are a non-Premium member, you are limited to 50 messages or less (Premium members get a 100 message capacity). You will need to delete some of your old messages.
  10. I believe your PM box is full. If you are a non-Premium member, you are limited to 50 messages or less (Premium members get a 100 message capacity). You will need to delete some of your old messages.
  11. I would imagine the only down side would be the length of time it would take for the "stretching". A knife would be be faster I have also heard of people using a rubber band to cause propagation ... having the rubber band down the middle of a mushrom causes enough pressure that it eventually splits.
  12. :eats popcorn while reading: We have some uber-smart people on this board So how often do you change out your MH (directed to John and the Mannings)?
  13. Good info, and it makes sense. So you did like the Phoenix's then?
  14. This was the exact question I have been meaning to ask the forum .. thanks cmanning! I actually have been thinking about switching my (don't know the brand) 20K's down to some Phoenix 14K's.... looking for some more growth, but have read the Phoenix brand gives you the same amount of blue as other 20K's.
  15. :drool: You went on a resort dive at the Great Barrier! Very nice ... I am somewhat disappointed that I didn't make it over to Australia when I was in New Zealand for a month on our honeymoon
  16. I certified the hard way: in Michigan! It sucked. Lots of pool training, and them my initial open water experience was in old stone quarries that had been flooded. They were cold!! When I did my advanced certification, I remember passing through 2 thermal clines on the way to be bottom At the end of the dive, I had red rings around my wrists were my wet suit and gloves didn't quite meet. Needless to say I didn't do any further diving up there (though I hear the Great Lakes are the best place to see shipwrecks, as the fresh water preserves them). All the rest of my dives have been logged in Florida an the Caribbean. So on the plus side, you are looking at training in a warmer location
  17. I am PADI Advanced Certified.... but have been dry for many many many years
  18. Picture is working for me ... and all I can say it "wow". The size of some of those coral colonies is just beyond impressive. Very nice! Did you grow some of that SPS and candy canes from small colonies/frags?
  19. A junk tripod is better than no tripod at all
  20. Maybe he is scoping out fishypet's house
  21. Well, hate to say I generally do this every time I open the glue bottle. And for me, the only way I have really found is just to kind of pick it off once it is dried.
  22. JamesL


    Normally cyno is caused by a combination lack of flow and excess nutrients. So you might try redirecting some flow towards that spot. Also make sure all of your other parameters are in check, as this could be a very early warning sign that something is not right (such as RODI filters need replacing, etc). Some fighting conchs are supposed to eat cyno, but they stay on the sand bed.
  23. JamesL


    What everyone else says, but I think the answer is this is a new tank. If so, then this is normal. There will be ugly periods, possibly up to many weeks. But once your tank cycles, and becomes established, the algae will go away... as long as you keep up with water changes and don't overfeed.
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