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Everything posted by JamesL

  1. Ha! Didn't even notice the original post date
  2. JamesL

    Frag plugs

    I have done both, kept some frags on plugs, and taken some off. These were with zoas, so it depended on if the zoas were also attached to another rock on the plug. If I could get the rock/zoas off then I did and glued/epoxied them to the rock. If I could not, I just used a bunch of epoxy to stick the plug on (or between) the rocks. It looks a little ugly at first, but once algae, and the coral, covers over the epoxy, it looks fine.
  3. I have never had issue with my six line jumping out of the tank. But I have spooked my blue sided fairy wrasse before, and he jumped out the back 1" open area of my glass top, onto the top itself. I got him right back in the tank with no problems.
  4. They always look so small in the stores. But it would love the large tank, tons of places to explore. And I swear mine has doubled or even tripled in size since being in my 75g tank (since January).
  5. Listening to nothing right now while eating lunch .. but enjoying an Oreo milkshake
  6. Hmm... Better secure all your outside hoses, I think aquaman is coming over to hose down the road Actually, it is quite dark here right now in SW Austin... might get a little rain.
  7. Hey, DD is a smart advertiser
  8. Those sound good. Though at first I thought leopard were not reef safe, but LiveAquaria says they are (but they also list them as "Expert Only Care" for some reason??). The mysteries are nice, but out of my price range for a fish
  9. Ok, time to listen to some music and get some work done. Gonna start with the Lead Sails Paper Anchor album by Atreyu. And drinking iced coffee (homemade).
  10. Oh, BTW, the dome had a beautiful pink capped wrasse for a mere $89 It had the colors of a pink square anthias. Orangy pink body, with a hot pink "cap" on it's head.
  11. I have heard it helps to add multiple wrasses at once, that way one does not get a chance to set up a territory. With that said, I did not have a problem adding by blue sided fairy wrasse to my tank, which had an existing six line. And my six line must be the exception ... he does not pick on the other fish. He will hold his ground when the stupid damsels try to bully him, but he has been model tank citizen. The only time I have seen him get aggressive is when he sees his reflection in glass.
  12. Return Of the King movie (it has music). And Diet Root Beer. And I am here. I see you have another programming request
  13. Add your name to this thread and Dave, our meeting coordinator, will put you on the list.
  14. Wow .. great picture there Gabe! I can never get my fish to hold still long enough
  15. Not taken yet Light don't come on until this afternoon.
  16. Didn't get a chance to make it up to RCA, but I was near the Dome and picked up a Two Spot Bristletooth Tang and a Yellow Candy Hogfish. I think this should about do it for fish for a while.
  17. Wrasses are pretty colorful, and swim all over. My six line is super active in my tank, and my blue sided fairy wrasses checks out the tank, but is not quite as active as the six line.
  18. Nice looking tank. I really like the freestanding rock islands in the middle. Do you have fish in the tank too? Lots of swimming room for them
  19. They are very soothing. When our daughter was just a few months old, she loved to sit in her swing and watch the fish tank... so much so she would fall asleep. She still loves watching it, but now that she is mobile (9.5 months old), there are plenty of other things to explore in the house
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