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Everything posted by JamesL

  1. I think it can be used to created the needed rain storm over at your house (to prevent a vwmike incident! ).
  2. Very nice! I am starting to see some growth in my previously-not-doing-anything pink zoas. My problem with this system is just remembering to do the dosing
  3. Is there an issue with the blogs not scaling back pictures? I am noticing that when I look at reef_pug's blog, the pictures are super huge... makes them hard to view. I thought the board uses to auto resize things.
  4. Got them from the AquaDome. Now if it has been a week and a half ago, I would have gotten different fish. At that time they were stocked to the gills (pun intended with fish. This past weekend it was slim pickings, but I am very pleased with my acquisitions.
  5. Looks like the cross-linking is not working. I am trying to see if there is a way to get the picture to show up, but for the time being I think this is the thread you are trying to pull the pictures from: March Featured Tank
  6. JamesL

    2 Gobys

    Yikes! Sounds like an all out war is brewing in your tank Clowns can be very territorial (depending on the type). It seems the redder a clown is, the meaner it is
  7. Bravo to sticking to your guns
  8. JamesL

    Ben's Blog

    Wow, you are moving at a good clip now. Can't wait to see the pictures.
  9. JamesL

    Ben's Blog

    I agree, this is a very awesome project you are undertaking! Stuff like this in schools go a long way to influence kids.
  10. Any way you can post the pictures to this site? I don't have a login to the other site you have linked
  11. Hmm... if that what it takes to get my car washed, maybe I should start offering some free frags
  12. Scopas tangs are cool, I really like mine. Very personable. They are not the most colorful though. I recently got a twinspot bristletooth tank that has more blue in it. Another fine algae eating addition.
  13. 10g would be a great sized tank for some of the very colorful tiny gobies I have seen pop up at the Dome lately.
  14. Thanks. Every time I look at the hogfish, he reminds me of a barracuda
  15. I think for a leak in my previous house I had used Christian Brothers Plumbing. We had a mysterious leak in the wall behind the guest shower. They found/fixed it with only two holes cut in the wall.
  16. Problem solved: And I agree with all-of-yall Keeping an up-to-the-minute inventory on a web site would be near impossible, short of some uber technology (I have some ideas, but will save them for when I open a LFS in my old age ). But doing something like what RCA does, posting the order manifest, does help a lot. And a clean looking web site where I can easily find hours of operation, directions, etc does drive my desire to visit a store. I was hesitant to visit the Dome at first, because the only hours of operation I could find where from Yahoo maps.
  17. These are bad quality, but they were the best I could do with the lack of free time. The Two Spot Bristletooth: The Candy Striped Hogfish: BTW, I finally used GIMP to correct the white balance, and it was uber easy Will have to definitely do that more.
  18. They are in the camera. One step closer to getting on to my computer, and then this blog.
  19. I think Rob hit on all the main points. Anemones in that small of a tank is a big challenge. They require intense lighting, which in turn generally generates lots of heat. And heat containment is a big issue with small tanks. You can cycle a tank with no lights. Though one issue will be that you will not get your coraline algae kick started, as that requires lighting similar to corals.
  20. JamesL

    2 Gobys

    I would suspect with that large of a tank there should not be a problem. But I have never had an engineer goby before. My shrimp/goby pairs always stayed around one general spot in the tank.
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