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Everything posted by JamesL

  1. Well, he hasn't tried to bite me (yet). The anemone is a little perturbed with all of the lovin' it is getting from the fish, but I think they will come to a mutual understanding here soon.
  2. Here are some more pictures I took this weekend. Mr. Jawfish: Favia with one of my cucumbers keeping it warm: Favia closeup: Hungry brain: My blasto is turning pinkish around the edges... wonder if it is due to the RF Fuel: My Red People Eaters: Still have a few more pictures for a later post.
  3. You said you replaced the crushed coral and added sand right? I bet that is what is causing this cycle. The crushed coral would have had beneficial bacteria in it. You are just going through the phase of re-establishing bacteria in your sand bed.
  4. No wonder he swims funny Oh wait, all clownfish do that
  5. joshman is correct. There really should be no need to speed things up. If you got "live" rock, you will have some die off from it being out the water, which will have the same effect as the dead table shrimp.
  6. Bumping this for newer people, as this was brought up at the meeting. If you need assistance, feel free to PM me.
  7. Dustin, I like the rock work. I could go either way with the flipping, but I think you are right in that it would be better. Now is the time to be re-arranging before the corals are on it
  8. Prof's great prices allowed me to leave with the kid
  9. ??? Anywho, I just caught the clown loving up to the anemone!! He has started the bonding process. I don't think my anemone crab is too happy about having to share, but he will just have to deal with it.
  10. Picked up this nice squamosa clam today from prof's. Talk about a great deal. For the price I paid, you normally get a tiny 1-2" clam. This guy has to be about 4-5"! I love the pattern on it. These guys have been a pleasant surprise. They were freebies with an order, and I put them on the back of a rock. And here they are a nice color! I don't know why, but I do like this gorgonian. It is not colorful, but it is cool. I have more pictures, but will save them for later
  11. Here is a more recent FTS, complete with many less Koralia's.
  12. Thanks Mama! The little guy is doing great in the tank. I was afraid my damsels would pick on him, but they are actually kinda scared. Now, he just needs to host in my anemone! He has been eying my large frogspawn
  13. Another great meeting. Thanks prof for hosting and for providing prizes, hope we didn't add too much to the stress of your day My wife likes the new clam that I purchased from ya Edit: And dapettit, hope your wife is doing well! You guys were missed.
  14. Thanks for the info. I have started to up my Mg dosing to the max.
  15. The extra rock looks really good!
  16. Mark, you are wrecking this sweet innocent persona I got of Mama at the last meeting
  17. Ok, the results are in: Mg: 1125 ppm Ca: 450 ppm Alk: 3 meq/L pH: 8.2 Amm: 0 ppm Nitrite: 0 ppm Nitrate: 20 ppm So while not super low, my Mg is a bit low. The bottle of Mg I have been dosing with suggests a range between 1290 and 1320 ppm.
  18. Interesting read, but no real conclusions Well, I have a MG test kit (from reef_pug) that I am gonna use tonight. Will report back later. BTW, the picture of the red acan was pre-demise. I will try and take a current picture tonight.
  19. Way to go RCA! (And prof for hosting and providing goodies also!)
  20. Yay! Will come with cash in hand tomorrow
  21. Sorry, gotta close this down, as only premium members are allowed to post new threads non-reef-related items for sale/for trade. See this thread if you are interested in aquiring this ability by becoming a premium member.
  22. Not bad at all... remember, you are talking to a bunch of reef addicts here. We understand
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