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Everything posted by JamesL

  1. Awesome! Looking forward to hearing your progress. I have some proven-to-be-breeding Talbot Damsels if you want to try out too Problem is I probably will never be able to catch them in my 75g.
  2. Wow. I like the goals you have for this tank. Definitely have put a lot of thought and research into it. The basket starfish would be awesome! Looking forward to watching this progress.
  3. I used to have a bag of purigen and a bag of chemipure sitting next to the skimmer when I had that tank. I think the difference is I was not using an ATO, thus didn't run into the issues you are having.
  4. But you do know some sponsors (*cough* prof *cough*) who probably know some wholesellers
  5. The place to buy is also linked in this first post of this thread.
  6. I suspect that can be used also.
  7. Dav, that GSP growing up the back wall is crazy!
  8. Wo.. that is a lot (of great) info there!
  9. Ok, the poll is up in this thread. Go vote, and thanks to Epic Reef!
  10. Epic Reef, one of our fantastic sponsors, has graciously volunteered to donate a "Fish Sock" to help identify where the meetings are being held at. Vote for your favorite.
  11. Will add a poll in a separate thread... give me a few minutes.
  12. I added the August meeting to the calendar, but I noticed something weird. The days of the week are wrong for this month. It is showing that today (the 5th) is Thursday. I had to do a double take and reconfirm that I was not crazy in that today was Wednesday
  13. This was in place of pictures for now. When I scrape up some free time pictures will come.
  14. Well, I haven't lost my last colony. And my piece from Mark looks like it might still have flesh on it, though it is not enough to inflate. I have been dosing Mg, and will test again later this week. Your Mg looks to be about right.
  15. Here is the place I was thinking of: Barrel City USA 15000 S I H 35 - (512) 295-8539
  16. Why not mix the water in the tank? But, back to your question. There used to be a barrel selling place on the southbound feeder road of I-35 right before Main Street in Buda. Not sure if it is still there, as I don't go that way much. I believe the address might be somewhere in a thread here, as the place has been brought up before.
  17. You might check out threads from christoclowns on nano-reef. He has a few threads where he has huge success in clownfish spawning/rearing.
  18. I think the amount of water needed to carry the discus aboard the plane in more than the 3 oz they allow
  19. <talking with nothing to back what I am about to say up with> I would think Customs would be involved. And I would not risk shipping them without knowing 100% for sure what the proper procedure is, seeing they have sentimental value. I was reading elsewhere where a shipment of SPS from one person in the US to another in Canada got "randomly" selected to be searched, and got held up for multiple days. Needless to say everything died. I would think maybe striking a deal with a wholesaler or local store might be the best way. </talking with nothing to back what I am about to say up with>
  20. I stand before you this fine August day to present the State Of The Tank address. We campaigned on change, and I can solidly tell you: change has come! From our humble roots of a just a 5 gallon custom tank back in 1991, we have transformed ourselves into the present day thriving 75 gallon tank. Just a mere 8 months ago, we took the bold step into the largest tank we have ever owned. We have no recession of zoanthids in the tank, thanks largely to the metal halide lighting, and dosing of Polyp Labs Reef Fuel. Likewise, trumpet coral splitting is on the rise. The inflation of green star polyps has been contained by keeping them on Exile Island, also home to the ferocious Gold Stripe Maroon clownfish. We have had some sad loses in the Acan franchise, but it seems that we have seen the bottom. Leather coral shipments are up 800% year-over-year. A not-so-fragile peace has settled over the tank's swimming inhabitants. The dreaded Talbot Damsel gang has finally met it's match, and has resigned to having to share the waters. Their attempts to bolster their numbers with offspring has, to this day, not added any new members. Though this has not deterred them. And if they are ever successful at hatching a clutch of eggs, we fear serious consequences for not just the tank, but the world at large. Similar to reports of seeing the lock ness monster, we have had sightings of our two elusive dusky gobies. They have settled in to the back underside of some rockwork, and are only seen at feeding times. We suspect they might be harboring feelings of resentment towards the Talbot Damsel gang, and are plotting a tank take-over. But for now, they continue to exude their timid persona. Jawfish tunnel construction is on the decline. We believe this indicates contentment with current lodging and not a real estate slump in the tank. This is all despite the constant "fly overs" from the tang duo. Algae is at rock bottom due to the before mentioned tang duo and the flame angelfish. The angelfish has been a model citizen but not picking on the new clam, but keeping the Kenya Tree population in check. Even though the yellow striped candy hogfish has aspirations of being a barracuda, he has been a model citizen in the tank. Truly a fish for all fish to look up to. The gold striped maroon clownfish could learn a lesson from the hogfish on not biting people. And finally, we are happy to report the pink skunk clown has found true love in the tank with the tongue coral. The tank is poised for an excellent second half of the year. Zoanthid and clam size increases are expected, along with increases in favia coralites. Fish population is expected to remain flat. This, ladies and gentlefish, has been the mid-2009 State Of The Tank address. Please note: some forward looking statements have been made in this post. These in no way should be used as factual information or the basis for fish/coral investments. Please consult your local fish store and club for advice.
  21. South of Austin Edit: Aaaarrg. I was going to be all cool and embed a Google map, but I am obviously lacking in the needed skills today.
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