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Everything posted by JamesL

  1. Plus you get the fancy-dancy shimmer effect on the sand bed with MH's
  2. I agree with Zarathustra2 and Mike, but I think Zarathustra2 includes an important item about what you plan to keep. SPS love uber-clean water, so power to the super-skimmer. Zoas on the other hand, like the water a little "dirty", thus still use a skimmer, just not so zealously.
  3. Doh! I cam here thinking you had a leak (which I am glad was not the case). Those big trash cans come in handy for mixing saltwater down the road.
  4. Renting is fine for snorkeling, especially for trying it out. If you get serious about it, then you should look into getting a mask/fins/etc that fits perfectly. But no need to purchase things to find out you don't like it. If you are snorkeling off a beach, there will probably be places right there to rent from.
  5. Snorkeling is easy, you will love it Mama. My pregnant wife did it just fine last year. But beware, snorkeling leads to wanting to scuba dive
  6. Well, if you suspect something is attacking him, moving him to another tank might be the best option. But like you said, catching him might add unneeded stress to the fish. I would suggest giving him a few days, and see if it looks like he is healing. My fish get torn fins and some missing scales from time to time, but a few days normally brings them back to looking like new.
  7. Closing this as the order has been made.
  8. Um, in my tank I have hundreds, if not thousands, of bristleworms You could try trapping some. They will go after food (they actually are a great clean-up crew). So you could try the bait in a bottle trick (if you don't know what this is, let me know). I have never seen either of my two wrasses stung like that after sleeping in the rockwork. What type of substrate do you have in the tank? Some wrasses dig into the substrate at night to hide, while others hide in the rockwork.
  9. That is normal behavior for peppermints. Mine only come out at night now.
  10. +1 on the spots looking to large to be ich. The missing part of the tail makes me think something might be attackign your wrasse.
  11. JamesL


    Welcome! I see you are off to a great start on this board with this engaging conversation going on here
  12. Good thread guys and gals! My 10mo old can't reach the tank yet, so I am just absorbing all of this in
  13. Hey, you got your pink skunk clowns you wanted! And is it me, or did your pictures get a whole lot clearer? The tank is looking very nice!
  14. Nice! Aaaa.. makes me want to go on vacation.
  15. Janet, are those dendros? I really like the color.
  16. Remember, your cycle is not done until both ammonia and nitrites are down to zero. You will have a spike in ammonia first, then a spike in nitrites. But sounds like you are off to a great start.
  17. I totally agree that it is nice to have a local resource. The nation/worldwide boards can get a little out of hand Be sure to stop by the August meeting coming up soon, it is up around your neck of the woods.
  18. to the of ARC! Hope you have a great day! Edit: 25!! Isn't that when insurance premiums drop? (Man, am I feeling old now...)
  19. It might not be happy due to all the moving around we have told you to do.... Are you running carbon in the tank? You might have a slight chemical war going on (I just had that happen the other week between a kenya tree and donut coral).
  20. Unless there is a rally for the Flame, I think the clownfish is gonna take it.
  21. Moving this to the General section.
  22. I thought the flame angelfish kind of looked like our mascot (if you squint your eyes ).
  23. Clicking on the folder icon (in the main view) no longer seems to mark that section as read. I get a "Loading..." message at the top, but no change in the read status.
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