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Everything posted by JamesL

  1. Not eligible for the cheap price either out here in Buda We actually would like to get one for really collecting rain water
  2. JamesL


    Seeing measurable nitrite in an established tank is a concern. But nitrate is OK, in low levels (5 ppm is low ). Nitrate's will build in the tank naturally and are normally removed by doing your regular water changes. You can also remove nitrates via macro algae and refugiums.
  3. The window screening over the egg crate is a good idea! I suspect they try "escaping" at night to look for food. Not to dishearten you, as I think snowflakes are at the bottom of the escapee list. When I worked at a pet store, the ribbon eels were the worst! Once he gets settled into the system and finds his cave, he should be content. I was eventually able to ween my eel off of live foods to frozen krill (would use a wooden skewer to feed the krill to him)...
  4. Other than placing some type of screening over the intake, not sure what else can be done. If this eel is in your spiffy new open-top tank, you have bigger issues ... eels are notorious at trying to escape. I had a snowflake many many moons ago. I grew him from a scraggly worm-looking eel to a nice 1" diameter. One night he decided to slip out a hole in the back cover and venture across the dining room floor. Found him dried up halfway across the floor the next morning Good luck!
  5. Tank looks fabo! Always good to see tanks post-troubles
  6. Awesome looking tank! I got a cheap tripod off of eBay that works pretty well. Though it is a bit light, so I have to be careful with it when my 70-300mm zoom lens is on the camera.
  7. Nope, the links are broken. Great pictures BTW (when I could see them ).
  8. Those are cool looking! I am sure they love all the room to swim around. So do you have plans for other fish to stock? With the length of that tank, I would think a school of something (like those PJ Cardinals) would look nice. -James
  9. Here is my entry. My gold striped maroon clownfish was my favorite, as it was the first fish I purchased once getting back into the saltwater hobby last year. Here is a picture of him playing peek-a-boo. Click for large picture.
  10. That is a cool video!!
  11. Thanks for the info. I just ordered a a 70-300mm lens for my Canon ... can't wait for it to come!
  12. I agree, that looks really awesome! What type of web came are you using? It is nice and small ... might have to look into adding one down the road
  13. Count me in. Will be nice to meet some Austin-area reef peoples! -James
  14. Fantastic pictures!! What lens/camera are you using? I am starting to look for a macro lens for my Canon Digital SLR.
  15. Just checking to see if anyone local has any blueberry gorgonia frags to sell. I had purchased on last year, but the postal office lost it for a few days and it did not survive. So if I try it again, I am going to go local. Just checking availability, as I might on the prowl to add something to the tank this upcoming weekend (though I first need to figure out if I have room for more corals ).
  16. Awesome looking tank! I like the lights and the wall deco
  17. Lookie that the Duncan Thread on nano-reef.
  18. JamesL

    Brittle Star

    Isn't that called a sea cucumber?
  19. Wo .. I wouldn't be happy with that contrast either!
  20. That new seahorse is very cool! Now you are making me want to have a seahorse tank (think I could convince my wife it would be "hers"? ). BTW, that link should have a .org in it and not a .com ... Was a little confused when I first clicked on it how the Marines got you seahorses
  21. This is the only picture (and not a good one at that) I was able to get when I was acclimating the bag: Wife said I could get another one if I wanted, but will need to get of the basslet first.
  22. You positive it is a peppermint shrimp and not a camel shrimp? They sometimes are hard to tell apart, and I think the camel's are more prone to nip at corals. But I also second headless_donkey, when I had peppermints, they were thiefs of food, and so was my cleaner.
  23. (Sorry if this sounds familiar, I copied my post from Nano-Reef.com) Well, all this hype for nothing. I got my shrimp today, and it was pretty cool looking. Small and mostly clear. After acclimation, I tried placing him right next to the Heliofungia. Well no sooner than he set down on the sand, I saw a purple flash, and BAM!, he was gone! My stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid strawberry basslet snatched him up! Needless to say I was not happy. Well, shall try again later with one... I knew I should have gotten rid of that fish when I caught the blennie.... But on the plus side, the rest of my shipment from SeaCrop was awesome. Tank is back on the right track.
  24. Gott wait till my tank is all nice looking again I am getting a big shipment of coral frags in tomorrow ....
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