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Everything posted by JamesL

  1. Ok, as the one who started this thread saying I wasn't to get one, I have a confession to make ..... I got an iPhone yesterday, and all I can say is it rocks! The screen and interface are super slick. And I am starting to get better at using the keyboard, but I was never a big texter). The Google Maps thing is very cool ... I put the location of the next meeting in there this morning (not that it is difficult to find). So my < 24 hours review is a whopping
  2. I am planning on being there .. It is worth it to just come to see the Seahorses ... and the new indoor saltwater pond
  3. Cool! I like the idea We would get much more enjoyment out of our pond if it were indoors ... plus I wouldn't be having to always replant the plants from the $%#% racoons tearing them out!
  4. Ok, now I can't tell if you are being serious I wouldn't put it past you to do an inside pond ... would make it easier on the salt maintanence. Outside saltwater pond would be problematic due to the rain and such ... but it could be done. I saw the thread on Reef Central about the guy who did one ... ended up having a glass lid on it to keep the salinity and pH in check.
  5. JamesL

    ID please

    Last picture is a type of Hawkfish I believe ...
  6. Very nice! A pond for him? Outside? Would be interested in hearing about the plans for that....
  7. Welcome! I see another smart person has left the wintry wonderland of Michigan to head for warmer venues! (I moved from MI 9 years ago and have not looked back).
  8. I personally am using a Canon Digital Rebel SLR with a Sigma 70 - 300 mm lens. The sun coral picture was taken at 300mm I think, using a macro mode on the lens.
  9. I feed pretty much what every one else does ... but I do use Spectrum pellets to feed the fish a few times during the week when I don't feel like thawing frozen food. When I feed frozen, I generally make two cups .. one for filter feeders and one for the larger food. For filter feeders I mix micro-vert, oyster eggs, cyclopeez, and Reef Roids. For larger foods I mix mysis and finely chopped krill. My frospawn, torch, tongue, sun coral, galaxia, orange plate, and long tentacle plate all get the large food. The filter feeder food is to help entice the sun corals open and for the toadstool, zoas, cloves, and other things.
  10. <Napoleon Dynamite> Luuucky </Napoleon Dynamite> Does Apple have an engineering facility here in Austin? Might be time to move from AMD
  11. that is crazy! How did that guy already have an iPhone? (I didn't listen to the audio .. at work). I agree with irish .. I would have thought the iPhone would have been swiped.
  12. Well color me wrong about the video capabilities
  13. Yeah, I thought about that afterwards .. reefers are poor due the hobby draining all the cash I don't think the iPhone can take video with it's camera (just something I think I read).
  14. So the judgment day of cellphonedom is here ... the iPhone gets released tonight. Anyone here going to (or is right now ) stand in line at a Cingular AT&T or Apple store? The inner geek in me wants an iPhone, as it would replace my cell phone, Palm, and iPod. The practical geek in me wants a AT&T 8525 Pocket PC phone (it would replace my cell phone and Palm, and I also want it for game development). Needless to say the inner geek is not getting it's way (I have tons more music I want to carry around than I can fit on the high end iPhone. Plus $600 waaaaaay to much for me to be spending). I am sure someone around the office will get one and I can oo and ahh at it next week. Edit: Sorry, just a Friday morning not-feeling-like-working-yet rant
  15. JamesL

    mojo's Blog

    That was me! Shh.. but don't tell anyone, I set it up as a freshwater tank
  16. JamesL

    mojo's Blog

    All I have to say: (*chants* I love my 24g ... I love my 24g ... I love my 24g *chants*)
  17. Next you are going to be starting a thread looking for a micro clam for your 1G tank
  18. Ok, can you make that sound any scarier?? You are gonna make it so poor Karen never puts her arms in the tank again
  19. The shrimp is harmless. Throwing out another guess it might have been a bristle or fire worm that got you, esp. if you brushed up against the rock work.
  20. JamesL

    mojo's Blog

    I see this reply.... haven't seen anything else.
  21. JamesL

    mojo's Blog

    Yowsa! That is one big tank! Can't wait to see this bad boy in action. I think we know where a future meeting will be at
  22. Welcome to ARC! And thanks for the reminder about the tour. I have gone to pond tours in Michigan before and loved it. I think my wife and I will be a touring this year with you guys. As for the future saltwater tank .... there are many people on this site that have large tanks, so I am sure they can help you out Now how did you accomplish that? My wife wants our current pond AND some disappearing fountains around the yard
  23. I am in the outskirts of Buda (about 6 miles from the Salt Lick). I believe there are a few other Buda'ns here Welcome to the area!
  24. I second (third?) this topic. This would be good information especially if done from the perspective of a SPS tank and non-SPS tank.
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