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Posts posted by JamesL

  1. Added a super big blue spotted watchman and a blue-ish pistol,shrimp to this tank, that I got from that Dome meeting. I think my daughter was hanging around Planeden too much at the meeting, because she named them at the store Ben and Jerry :)

    The pistol was apiered up with another smaller goby at the store, so wasn't too happy last night when the big goby came its way. Hopefully they will work it out today. The pistol made a nice cave in the front of the tank so far.

  2. Dose log

    Today tested calcium at 360 ppm and Alk at 8.4 dkh.

    Losing 20 ppm calcium a day. Daily dose to maintain is 10 mil.

    Losing 0.3 dkh (0.1 meq /l) per day. Daily dose to maintain 8-10 mil.

    It's seems odd (compared to bottle) that my Ca is going away so much faster than Alk. Theoretically I should be dosing twice as much for Alk as I am calcium.

    After testing I dosed 30 mil of Ca which theoretically brings me to 420 ppm. so tomorrow I'll be at 400.

    2-14 dose 20 mil Alk

    2-15 dose 20 mil ca.

    2-15/2-16 test with salinity at 1.025. Maybe professionally.

    2-17 go watch other people test and dose at Austin aquarium.

    Prev post 460 (ehem, up one...)

    The meeting at the Dome is today, 2-16. The Aquarium visit is on the 17th.

  3. My Kenya tree goes through cycles like that. Sometimes it is because a shrimp or something bothered it, sometimes it is just because. The one caveat is that in my large tank, my angel took a liking to it, so it was always shriveled up.

    Give it a day or two.

    Btw, Kenya trees can be as bad as Xenia mine drops branches all the time which drift around the tank until they attach to something.

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