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Everything posted by JamesL

  1. That is some great growth in just a few months time.
  2. While not devils hand, my toadstool leather started getting rips in it and self propagated. So your pinches might be similar.
  3. We are going to be out of town that weekend for a family reunion I am sure it will be an awesome meeting.
  4. Merged the multiple threads together.
  5. Coldwater in Texas ... sounds too challenging to me
  6. *whistles* Very nice! And I like the idea of having the clear back to see the refugium. So the refugium is more for pop production than pH balance in this tank?
  7. I did the island tactic to keep my bubble tip from wandering all over the place. It also is working to keep GSP in check also.
  8. Most of the pictures are over about a 6month time frame.
  9. +1 to what Gabe said. Plus, when I had a yellow watchman, it would sift the sand somewhat looking for extra food. I would not put a jawfish in a bare bottom tank. Like crmike said, it is not it's natural environment, and will most likely be stressed out. Jawfish can be very picky creatures.
  10. Looks good. I think the couple of holes you have are probably big enough for an angel and tang to swim through.
  11. Wo.. that depth picture is awesome!
  12. Normally this would be removed, as non-saltwater items are limited to Premium members. But I will leave it for now seeing as subsea provided some information on how to convert them to saltwater.
  13. Oh boy, this should produce a lot of entries considering how prominent green is in the hobby
  14. Yes, started that a few months ago. I got a big zoa explosion just from moving them from CF lights to MH.
  15. Inspired by mdavis and others on this board, I thought I would start a thread for people to show off their best growth shots. This can give people new to the hobby an idea of how patience pays off in this hobby. It would be helpful to have the general dates associated with the pictrues to get an idea of time frames. I will start with a few. Candy Canes They started in my old 24g (April 2007): And now they are in my 75g, fragged into two separate colonies now (August 2009): Red Zoas Bought this small frag from RCA (January 2009): And they grew (June 2009): And grew (August 2009): Green Zoas Had gotten these a while back from another reefer cross country, but this was the frag that made it to the 75g (January 2009): Hard to get a shot of them due to their position, but they also exploded (August 2009): Will post some more in a future post.
  16. JamesL


    Well, the smaller ones would actually bore holes into the rock eating stuff living inside. I am not really sure on the larger ones. Urchins are great at eating algae, but some tend to eat the top layer of rock also. Thanks It was a hectic weekend, but she made out like a bandit
  17. Andrew starts a new thread at the beginning of the month specifying what the contest topic is (we are currently on colors in honor of a new sponsor). All you have to do it post a reply in the thread with the picture that you took. It does not have to be of your fish tank, but it does need to be aquatic themed. Entries can be posted up until the 15th of the month, then voting starts. The winner gets the mentioned prize (if there is one) and the glory and honor of having their picture posted on the main page for the next month.
  18. Doh! Overkill is right. Don't know why I was thinking colt coral.
  19. It might be that the black starfish is showing bands at night or when courting.... and your other striped one is just hiding. Hard to say.
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