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Everything posted by JamesL

  1. You might also try out the Nimble Nano (http://www.nimblenano.com/). A lot of people over at Nano-Reef.com use it and love it. I think what separates it from a regular mag-float is the guy uses stringer magnets. I guess be careful though, it sounds like some of them are really strong ... so don't get too string of a one and accidentally crack your glass when putting it in the tank
  2. "Small 55" ... You are more than double the size of my 24 gallon
  3. Well, in doing some research, I found an interesting table someone put up on Nano-Reef: Though, there is some controversy on 6500k causing more algae growth.... the 6500k is also a more yellow light compared to the 10000K. This doesn't quite answer my original question concerning actinics. But I did find some info saying 420nm actinic is what causes the corals their glowing "pop". I found some bulbs on Marine Depot which I am thinking about getting. They have a pure 10000K bulb, and then they also have a 10000k/420nm actinic bulb.
  4. It is time for me to order replacement compact fluorescent bulbs for my 24g Aquapod ... and I was about to order my standard selection of one 32w Dual Daylight 6700ºK/10000ºK and one 32w Dual Actinic 420/460nm. But I was wondering if I would get any benefit in ordering a 32w Dual Daylight 6700ºK/10000ºK and Daylight 10000ºK/Actinic 460nm combination instead. From my understanding, the Actinic bulbs are more for show to help things "glow". But if I am wrong on this, maybe someone could speak up. If not, it would seem the critters be happier with more daylight... The tank contains Zoas and LPS for the corals. Thanks.
  5. That is too funny ... using your fish as a pointer. Very smart fish Well, All I can say is that if the tentacles come out, then it seems like it is one th road to recovery. As far as feeding, I mostly let mine light feed. But when I feed my filter feeding critters, I shoot some it's way also. I use a combination of stuff .. which right off hand I can't remember any of the names. I will have to post more when I get home.
  6. Ha! I hope the aquarium hanging in the supermarket is not showing you the choices that are below in the freezer
  7. +1 to this. Something I did when I had a lot was to buy a Magnum HOT filter. I put it on the tank, turned it on, then used a turkey baster to blow water on the rocks and kick up the gunk. I did this for a couple of days and it made a huge difference.
  8. That was my first though too when I saw these... I can't imagine trying to do a water change on an aquarium hanging from the ceiling!
  9. Ditto on the emerald crabs, they have always worked for me in getting rid of bubble algae.
  10. Just curious ... what type of conch is it?
  11. You're right, I should have put that in my description, as I have seen that also. Mine is happy one again. I have been trying to find a new location in the tank, and the past few have not been to it's liking. It is about time for me to manually frag my leather, as it is shading too much rock (or get a bigger tank ).
  12. Hmm.. I don't think I understand fully (pictures might help if possible). I have a toadstool that is about 1.5 years old, and it continues to grow in diameter. I think I have heard that that toadstools can regenerate from pieces (I know the crown can, not sure about the base), so maybe you will get a new toadstool from the detached base. And if you are getting tentacles to come out of the other portion, than it seems to be somehwat happen. When mine is not happy, it does not extend it's tentacles.
  13. JamesL

    New to Austin

    Welcome! Glad StarFire found another Nano-Reefer to pull over to this site
  14. Congrats!! Very cute. I have never seen a min-pin of that color.
  15. JamesL


    Not a stupid question ... I was a die hard Hydrometer fan before... Besides being temperature independent, they are ultra-easy to use. No fussing with bubbles on the swing arm. Few drops of water on the lens, close the cover, and look through the view-hole and you can see your reading.
  16. Cute picture ... but man, that tanks looks super clean! This is what my tank looked like when I went the SeaHare route:
  17. *whistles* Very nice looking tank, and great pictures!
  18. You might try "trimming" those patches of algae the hare is missing ... maybe that will entice him to come on over and dine. Also, keep an eye on it after the algae is gone. You don't want it dying from starvation.
  19. Yeah ... I had one that ignored hair algae for ages, then one day he decided to go to town on the stuff! A tiger turbo I got the RCA is still trying to decide He finally made it on to the rocks checking for something better to eat.
  20. JamesL


    Using the Marine Depot refrac here and loving it! (I think it was around $30-40)
  21. Here is my entry. Hard to pick a favorite shot...
  22. I have also had hit-and-miss luck with using turbo snails to control hair algae. (Sorry don't have a sea hare to lend out ... saw some on Monday at RCA).
  23. Just a reminder ... not sure what the tank is like, but copper can not be used in tanks with any invertebrates... it will kill them.
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