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Everything posted by JamesL

  1. Thanks! I was glad to make it in the launch also. With 10 million applications downloaded from the App Store this weekend, I don't think you were the only one having fun! Man, I tried twice to get a 3G ... once on Friday, the line was nuts at 8am... and once on Sunday, but they had already sold out.
  2. Apple has been pretty tight-lipped on how things will work. It doesn't look like there is going to be an easy way to provide trial versions, short of me creating a whole new feature-limited free program (from what I gathered, registration codes are a no-no).
  3. I just put up some screen shots of my first iPhone/iPod touch game that should be launching in July with the iPhone 3G/2.0 firmware release: BlackJack Run Page This game is a port of my popular Palm OS BlackJack Solitaire game. Now that I have the new web page done, time to get cracking on the next program
  4. I had to vote the "I'm fine" option because, well, my reef tank is basically on cruise-control. It has been pretty much stocked to the brim for quite a while. I might be selling some corals in the future, but that is mainly because my huge toadstool leather keeps dropping pieces which I am attaching to rocks and growing whole new corals.
  5. Hope you waited (and are waiting for July 11th) I suspect I will be a-hunting down an AT&T store to try snagging a 3G version.
  6. Here is a picture from last year ... I need to grab one from this year, as the lizard tail really filled in, and finally bloomed this year. (Click for larger) I do have a water lily, but the pond it shaded for a good part of the day, so it doesn't bloom much. And last year I made the mistake of adding some water lettuce, and that choked out the lily. So late in the year I removed/destroyed all of the lettuce (ensured it did not make it to streams!), and the lily is looking better this year. I actually got a picture of the pond published in a new book about mini-aquariums! (Well, I guess a 100 gallons is "mini" for a pond ). I also got some pictures of my 24g reef tank in there.
  7. Great pictures! And I still love your pond overall (from the other thread). Mine has been somewhat neglected lately... but I did add some new plants that we got from the Wildflower Center plant sale. The raccoons though keep knocking them over We had a whole mess of tad poles in the spring! Haven't looked in there lately to see how many are left, but I have been hearing the leopard frogs singing at night.
  8. My Yellow Watchman Goby watching the rics
  9. On your iPhone, in Safari, navigate to your web site. Hit the "+" button at the bottom of the browser and you should get a menu with a button called "Add To Homescreen". Tap this, and you will get a screen to change the name of the site to something shorter (if you need). Your new icon should be shown there. Note: Your iPhone needs to be running 1.1.4 firmware in order to do this (I think it was in 1.1.3 also). -James
  10. Looks like we have a few people on here with iPhones/iPod Touches.... I really wish there was going to be a way to allow beta testing of programs. But from all that I can tell, the general public is going to have to wait till June to try out apps on their devices.
  11. Used to be a favorite sitting spot for my clown goby:
  12. Very true. I guess I was more thinking about the calcium content most of all... say if you were keeping a softies only tank, then calcium would not be of that big of importance when picking the brands (unless you are also trying to keep a healthy coraline going). For me, with a 24g tank, the salt was not that big of deal. As my 5 gallon weekly (well, almost weekly ) water changes replenish a lot of elements compared to water changes done on a much larger tank.
  13. The problem might be the resolution coming out of your laptop is too much for the TV to handle. Try dropping the screen resolution down to the lowest setting (probably 800x600), and then try switching to the TV. If this works, then you can play around with upping the resolution.
  14. Interesting .... when I first started reading the paper, I thought I would come away with a clear "winner" of a salt I should be using (I for the record have been using Reef Crystals for 2 years). But by the end of it, I really didn't know what to think. All the different salt mixes had their pluses and minuses. I guess if one were to be real serious about it, they would try to match up the approriate salt with the live stock they are keeping. But then again, you could always supplement for what a particular salt brand is missing. The only thing that would really drive me away from a brand would be excessive nitrate and phosphate content.
  15. Good suggestions. I will have to look into the calculators that are on reef central. I will probably be putting up a suggestion input page on my web site in the coming months. I have plenty to do with moving my existing stuff over, but am always looking for new ideas.
  16. Very nice!! Yes I did get my hands on the SDK (and a Mac to go with it ). I spent the weekend starting to play around with it moving one of my Palm OS programs over. While I can't say that I made fantastic progress, I did manage to start understanding the basic of displaying images and capturing touches to the screen. I even had the whole flippy-screen animation working I am going to be busy from now till June (and beyond) moving my Palm apps over to the iPhone so I have a bunch ready when everyone can start downloading. I also plan some new ones too. I gotta get a lot done this summer before our little one comes in the fall -James
  17. Btw ... awwwwwwwww. I love beagles, and this one is very cute! I grew up with one from the time I was 6 months old till he passed away at 13 years old.
  18. Bella on Enchanted Rock. She is shepard/terrier. Buddy on our back deck. He is dashund/terrier. Buddy after too much partying in South Padre Island Bella and Buddy relaxing.
  19. Selling a Pro-Form GL35 Exercise bike in very good condition. A few years old, but has not been used that much. Adjustable seat and handle bars. Digital readout and settings for resistance. 4 built-in exercise programs, or can be connected to the internet and used with iFit.com. Pictures can be seen at this Craigslist ad. I am asking $100 cash on craigslist, but for ARC people, I would be willing to go down to $85. Edit: Bike is located on the outskirts of Buda off of FM967... preferred that it is picked up by the purchaser.
  20. I suck at full tank shots... but here is a multi-subject picture. Clown Goby on Candy Cane. (Click for larger)
  21. I echo what the about two said ... nano's are not that hard to maintain. I think the main thing you might find is missing the large space to put more corals I have had my 24 gallon Aquapod set up for almost 2 years now. I have my tank blog on ARC which chronicles part of the history. And I also have a more in-depth history at this site. Man ... I would so be tempted in that 45 gallon tank/stand/light ... but I just can shell out the money to start up a whole new tank right now....
  22. Nope, haven't ordered from them before. The two places I have ordered live stock from on-line and had great experiences with are: Sea Life Inc. SeaCrop
  23. Wish I could help. I have the exact reverse problem. Xenia won't grow at all in my tank. I have one lonely little stalk that seems to just hang on ... and it has been that way for almost a year! Everything else (zoa's lps corals, leather coral) have been growing very nicely. Now my green star polyps on the other hand .... I have the same problem with that as you do with your Xenia.
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