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Everything posted by JamesL

  1. JamesL


    I have heard of this... but not the gently part. What I heard was to "grate" some coraline algae in from of a powerhead to make it spread faster.
  2. How was the first day? Also, do you know if RCA is open today (some places are closed for MLK day)? I have some tank sale money I need to "re-invest"
  3. JamesL

    New Setup!!!

    I like the cave/ledge (and the overall rock work too)! It looks like you are going to have a lot of places to put corals on there.
  4. JamesL


    Remember when using Purple Up (or any calcium additive) that you actually need some existing coraline algae in the tank to get it to spread. Purple up does not contain any corlaine algae. But with that said, I have/do use it and had good results in my old 24 gallon tank. I am using up a bottle of it now in my new 75 gallon, which has my old rocks from the 24 gallon.
  5. +1 I agree with another poster that they probably are good for filtration. I have a rash of tiny anemones (not Astapia, I think they are orange bulb).. but they don't seem to be bothering stuff too much. They close during the day, and are open at night. I see a lot of them mixed in with my zoas.
  6. I want to see them do that on a Clown Goby
  7. Congrats! Seems like there are a few members here working at RCA. I need to trek up there again to help stock my tank.
  8. Bump. Will offer the complete setup to ARC members for $200.
  9. Fantastic photos! I echo everything beefytang said. You take much better aquatic pictures with your point-n-shoot than I do with my digital SLR.
  10. I actually set up my new tank with jawfish in mind. I made sure I put the live rock in first, so it is already sitting on the bottom of the tank, then filled with sand. So they can dig away and not cause a rock slide. But the tube is a great idea.. I have read about other tanks doing that.
  11. The Petland in Southpark Meadows did not look to carry any fish. In fact, the store was super tiny. It make me sad, as my first job was at a Petland in Toledo.
  12. They might have been including the handful of Petsmarts (or is it Petcos .. I can never remember) that carry saltwater fish....
  13. Last time I was at Gallery of Pets (over a year ago), they seemed to be getting out of the Saltwater critters. There is a store in New Branfeuls called Darby's Tropicals. I haven't been there yet, but I should check it out some day as it is as close to Buda as the north Austin LFS.
  14. That is funny! It really makes me want a jawfish again. Aquadome didn't have any yesterday, else I would have gotten one.
  15. I would have never thought of something so simple ... but for a FOWLR, that would probably work great!
  16. I just read on a blog somewhere about a person setting up an LED array on his reef tank. I thought it was Nano-reef, but a quick search is not coming up with the article. I will keep looking... I think the LED arrays are cost saving on energy used, but are expensive to buy... Edit: Found it! Here is a link into this guy's tank blog where he got the LED array for x-mas. Edit2: After re-looking at it.. not really that helpful Just kinda talks about the array... nothing technical.
  17. Holy smokes, that is one serious filter! Glad you found the cause of the hair algae
  18. Wow... the tank looks great! I need to really get cracking on stocking my 75g to keep up with y'all
  19. Just think of it is a more room for more corals & fish Looking forward to seeing the new tank!
  20. Taking this off the market, have thought of a non-fish related use for this.
  21. I am kinda of looking at one of those hand-on-the-back (HOB) refugium for my new larger tank. I am looking at the EcoSystem Pro Series 60, but for the life of me can not find what the input to the device looks like. I really want a surface-skimming input. Anyone know if this model has a surface skimmer on it? Thanks. -James
  22. You sure Gabriel didn't sneak over to your tank with a razor blade to help things along?
  23. I just saw all of the corals today and they look great!
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