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Everything posted by JamesL

  1. You might also just try temperature acclimating the next batch of snails. Like water changes, everyone has their own opinion on how to acclimate new fish/corals/inverts. I personally no longer use the drip method. I let the bag float on the surface of the tank for 15-20 minutes, then release the critter into the tank (just the critter, not the bag water).
  2. I would imagine the pods could outswim the snails. I was going to put a few snails in my refugium I am setting up.
  3. Ok, mine is not as macro as Starfire's.
  4. I have read about some people putting a few snails/hermits in there to help keep things tidy.
  5. Hey! I was going to post a shot like that of my tuxedo urchin!
  6. Looking good. One thing I will mention is you might want to make sure you have enough room between the rocks and the sides of the glass to get in there and easily clean. I made the mistake in my 24g tank of putting the rocks to close to the sides, and had patches of algae that was real hard to clean.
  7. Looks like you had fun! You got a good picture of the eel.
  8. JamesL


    Oh cool, that is pretty darn close to little ole Buda. I might have to take a trip down there that Saturday.
  9. Nice! I have one in my tank, and I love it. Though I haven't gotten any good pictures of it yet.
  10. Might be orange ball anemones.... do they look like this: You might also look at the discussion about them here. I have a bunch of orange ball anemone's in my tank, they seem to like to hide in Zoa's colonies. So far I have not seen any negative effects of them. They are closed during the day, so the zoa's are happy. At night when the zoa's close, the anemones open up.
  11. Interesting ... I might have to try this as I am battling a bad brown algae bloom right now.
  12. JamesL

    New Setup!!!

    Be careful with the hawkfish, they are great looking fish but can be very predatory towards inverts. So you might not want to add any expensive shrimp in the tank
  13. JamesL

    New Setup!!!

    The last pictures looks like some zoanthids... nice hitchhiker on the rock! You will have to wait and see if they color up, or stay more brownish.
  14. Very nice! I love the open brains... I want to get some for my tank some day. I "exiled" my GSP also to prevent a total tank take-over.
  15. In general, I normally do 25% water changes. So when I had my 24 gallon tank set up, I was doing 5 gallon water changes (was convenient to just use a 5 g bucket to pre-mix the salt water). For my 75 gallon tank, I am doing about 15 gallon water changes... this is a bit less than 25%.
  16. Very nice! Can't wait to see it with the final rock in place. One suggestion, I know you mentioned adding more rock, but the current rock cave on the left is might close to the edge of the glass. That is going to be hard to clean.
  17. What other fish do you have in the tank? It might be possible a fish is bothering it. I read on another forum that someone had a Scopas Tang that loved to eat xenia... (which figures I just got a Scopas and xenia not to long ago....).
  18. Amazing... I am drawn into the blackness...
  19. I was just reading that some tangs will pick at LPS to get them to excrete excess symbiotic algae, it is like candy to the fish. I bet that is what the angel was doing. The same source also said the LPS is generally not damaged, and I would assume the same goes for your zoas.
  20. Wa wa what??? $2600 for a pleco?!? And people thought saltwater folks where crazy for shelling out large amounts of money for fish. I will stick with my $22 tang.
  21. Wow! I didn't even know that was a real fish in our logo
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