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Everything posted by JamesL

  1. Welcome! I think you will be in good company with this club to get you going on a tank of your own.
  2. Welcome! I would think any of the all-in-one nano tanks would be a decent starting point for a beginner. Normally the rule of "the bigger the better" applies, but the current generation of nano tanks have pretty much everything you need to get going.
  3. Peppermints are going to be tricky to catch if you want to get them out. They are fast ... but maybe some type of fish trap would work. I have never had issues with an emerald crab and peppermints. But not sure how a coral banded would be with them. As I noted above, my flame angel has chased all of them out of the rockwork and onto the back wall of the want under return pipes. But I do seem them out and about in the tank at night when the flame is asleep.
  4. Awesome pictures! We will have to add this event to our travels int he coming years. We head down to Port A/Rockport in the fall for the Hummingbird Festival.
  5. The product is supposed to prevent this. It "tastes" like food, so the aiptasia pulls it in, then it blocks their mouth prevent them from releasing the offspring. I have not had any waves of new pests, just seems like some of the existing ones just won't die....
  6. Normally peppermint shrimp worked for me. But my flame angel seems to bully them, so they have been slacking. Lately I have been using Aiptasia-X to kill off the buggers. It seems to work pretty good, though I have some tough ones I have had to coat a couple of times.
  7. You can also correct some of that with image editors on your computer. I took the above and ran the "auto white-balance" with GIMP and got this: It didn't make a huge difference in this case, but did brighten up some of the colors.
  8. I believe 10K's are too yellow for most people, so I would hate to see what 6.5K's are! I personally have tried 20K's and 14K's. I must say I am not that impressed with the 14K's (even though they are Phoenix, so they are more blue). I think I saw about the same growth under both (granted I keep zoas and LPS... no SPS), but my LPS and anemones seemed happier under the 20K's.
  9. Sounds like there might be some software that needs to be download that takes the activation code and "decrypts" the contents of the CD. My suggestion would be to hunt around the web site of the place they bought it from for directions.
  10. JamesL


    Nice solid colors!
  11. JamesL

    Orbic cardinals

    Wo.. those are cool looking. Definitely do not see those often.
  12. Planning on being there. Should be able to arrive earl and help with anything.
  13. JamesL

    Viva La Clam

    How I miss having this clam in my tank. While not flashy blue or green like other clams, the patterns on it were outstanding.
  14. I have had a bi-color blenny nip at a short tentacle plate before... ended up being it's demise
  15. I am no expert on sponges, but I thought once they have been exposed to air, it is pretty much downhill from there...
  16. I think in the original post she mentioned brushing up against an anemone.... But glad to hear you are on the mend!
  17. Moving this to the photography section.
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