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Status Updates posted by JamesL

  1. Is it Friday evening yet?

  2. Beware of angry maroon clownfish, I had to put a protective dome over the anemone to see if it will finally anchor down....

    1. mcallahan


      maroons are known to be hard on 'nems. Good call.

  3. Needs Mama to pour a cement shoe for the LTA to get the stupid thing to anchor in the sandbed.

    1. Laura


      bwahahhaha!!! Hey Carmine...get the mixer ready...

  4. The world must be ending.... Mark gave me permission to skip a water change!

    1. mcallahan


      It is! Clint is leaving his house!

  5. Mark should be proud.. 2 water changes in 2 weeks :)

    1. mcallahan


      WHOA! that's impressive

  6. Needs good thoughts to get a new LTA to anchor down.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Laura


      Amen to that Whit!!

    3. DaJMasta


      They like sand, so when I got mine I just put him in the sand and turned off the flow for 15 mins or so, didn't take him long to bury into it.

    4. JamesL


      Thanks. He is down in the sand. Still hasn't attached, but the clownfish is keeping it in place.

  7. Back From Vacation!

    1. Laura


      I hope you enjoyed your cruise James!!!

    2. mcallahan


      onto the next one right?

    3. JamesL


      Now it is recover time from the trip, and get control of the house (and tank) :)

  8. Grumbles about airline delays.

  9. Living on the edge: updating iPhone to 4.1 right before a trip :-z

  10. TISUT: Only 3 more days till I am outta here! :)

  11. It is finally Friday!!!!!!!!

    1. mcallahan


      no work for a month!

    2. JamesL


      darn tootin!

  12. apples to apples :)

  13. Is it Friday PM Yet?

  14. truth in status updates Tuesday: I got my first saltwater tank when I was 15, also 20 years ago :)

  15. Last week of work, then off for a month!

  16. Truth in status updates Tuesday: I have a day named after me in Michigan.

    1. mcallahan


      wha? tell me more.

    2. JamesL


      When I made Eagle Scout, the mayor of our town made a proclamation that day was James T Lee Day. Some friends found out about it, and started celebrating it all throughout my high school years (I made Eagle at 14 if I recall correctly). They had banners, buttons, you name it...was pretty embarrassing :)

  17. One more Monday to go after today...

    1. mcallahan


      then no more Mondays?

    2. JamesL


      No more "work" Mondays for a month for me :)

  18. Happy Friday! T-minus 2 weeks until my sabbatical starts!!

  19. Grrr.. clownfish is trying to host in duncans.

  20. This seems to be turning into death status update Wednesday :(

    1. pbnj


      It's an epidemic. One of my mated Clarki's died 2 days ago.

    2. pbnj


      ....first fish I've lost in almost a year.

    3. Laura


      the baby squirrel that fell from its nest that I was trying to bottle feed died today..but I guess that's another forum? Honestly, I was pretty sad about it...

  21. truth in status updates Tuesday: There were only 3 people in my 7th grade class.

    1. mcallahan


      no way! Did you thrash the rest or something?

    2. JamesL


      Private school. I would have been the only 8th grader if it hadn't shut down the next year.

    3. NonSequitur


      Same here, actually, but it wasn't a private school, just a very, very small rural school. 3 people in my 7th grade, 5 in 8th.

  22. Can not wake up today...

  23. Cleaned the tank up for the meeting.. no floods this time! :)

  24. Headache. Read ot go home.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Laura


      Excedrin Migraine.....

    3. Ashley


      I had the same problem today. Do you think it's allergy related?

    4. JamesL


      My headache was from thinking too much today :) But during the spring I do get allergy headaches.

  25. Another day...

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