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Everything posted by Brooke_John

  1. Thank you everyone for your insight. The isopod has since removed itself from out blenny. He is doing well, and seems to never have even noticed the pod. We have set bottle traps at lights out for three nights and captured nothing. We have two cleaner shrimp in the tank, so maybe they took care of it. We are keeping a close eye on everything.
  2. Thank you so much for the information. We have a bottle in the tank and are trying to help the blenny.
  3. We haven't added any rock lately. We added a hairy mushroom last week. We QT all fish. We had a pair of clowns and one died yesterday. The other seems to be fine. Will the isopod kill the blenny if not removed, or will it eventually detach? Any idea how to remove the one attached to the blenny? I'm worried about increased stress from trying to net him.
  4. We have a lawnmower Blenny and today we noticed something attached to his tail. Pictures are attached, can anyone help identify what it is and what we should do? We have been trying to catch him for an hour and have had no luck, he keeps hiding in the rock.
  5. Brooke_John


  6. Brooke_John

    photo 3

    From the album: Blenny

  7. Brooke_John

    photo 2

    From the album: Blenny

  8. Brooke_John

    photo 1

    From the album: Blenny

  9. Thanks for sharing. I really like the aqua tunnel and think they would work great in my QT and DT. Where can I find them?
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