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Everything posted by victoly

  1. I think there used to be tank of the quarter.
  2. Of the parameters that is most important, ca/mg aren't gonna be the ones that give you trouble. alkalinity is the parameter that is most important to watch regularly as you start to acquire more sensitive species.
  3. Easy folks, just messing with Dr. Wiggle.
  4. I don't think it's going to hold water like that
  5. your corals are so bitchy Richard.
  6. You could do a BRS dual with the pellets in the first and GFO in the second. As long as the pellets are tumbling it should work. http://www.austinreefclub.com/topic/25904-my-brs-reactor-setup/
  7. Comes down to aesthetics and inhabitants. If your inhabitants require/prefer finer sand (wrasses, jawfish, etc) go fine®. Lots of people love the special grade, and most sand requiring inhabitants do just fine with it.
  8. Not everyone has a gargantuan tank like you woods I only use like 1/4 cup per month of carbon, and thats being generous.
  9. Jamie I've found that if you put a "Y" from the pump to the reactors, with ball valves after each reactor, that you can individually regulate flow successfully. I added an extra top sponge to my Carbon reactor to keep it firmly locked at the bottom.
  10. Took a solid 5 days to scrub all the excess CO2 out. I've leveled off.
  11. GFO How useful is it? Very. Keeps my nuisance algae at bay (combined with sparse feedings). Have you seen a vast improvement in the health of your corals and livestock? Yes. Brighter coloration in SPS, no nuisance algae bothering zoas. Has using media made your life any easier as a reefkeeper? Define easier.... There is additional labor/cost for the reactors/media/electricity for the pump, however my time is worth more to me than if I had to spend my home time scraping algae and worrying. Do you find the benefit outweighs the cost? Yes, 10x. Lastly, what application do you use and why. Biopellet Reactor, Fluidized Reactor, Media Bag, etc. I've used it in a bag and in a reactor. I had much better results using a mild tumble of BRS High Capacity GFO in the BRS housing. Would you recommend this product?
  12. why is it that you are always selling things after I've already purchased them?
  13. I think most people with SPS dominant tanks (myself included) try to keep their measurable phosphate in the 0.03-0.05 range. Another way to reduce incoming phosphates is to a) use RODI water and b) rinse your food with RODI prior to adding it. Yes rinsing is a pain but IMO it makes a massive difference. I used to go through GFO maybe every month or two, and now i can make it more like 3 months before I need to change out. I typically let whatever frozen food I'm going to feed sit in a small container with RODI water to thaw out. I drain that into a brine shrimp net and then use a squirt bottle with RODI to rinse for several seconds before I add it to the tank.
  14. I'll be at aquatek today at 2 pm and I can spot you some 7/10 if you want to calibrate sooner than later.
  15. wait on the new stuff. if you calibrate with a bad standard, your data is worthless.
  16. +2 to jamie. None of the corals you listed require feeding.
  17. I'm just teasing sascha. Everyone goes through a kenya tree phase. I didn't particularly like it because it kept tropping little treelets and self propogating, which goes counter to my reef god complex.
  18. They also come in a variety of beautiful colors: brown, light brown, dark brown, brownish brown and blu-noope brown.
  19. Woohoo ! Seemed like a pretty arbitrary limitation to have such short connection distances !
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