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Everything posted by victoly

  1. It's a pretty Neptune heavy crowd here, but I'm always down to help figure out issues on any controller.
  2. i've got an old radium 250w that i keep for an emergency backup that you're welcome to try out.
  3. final price on the shrooms of $75.
  4. now I know why I wasn't invited. you guys didn't want me to intimidate you.
  5. and for reference, temperature correction IS important.
  6. Calibrate your probes before you take corrective action.
  7. the king is dead. long live the king!
  8. I've got a frag. text me.
  9. I fragged them out of existence. Hated em ! Kimp has some.
  10. AquaDome had a pretty crazy pink goni last time I was there.
  11. I've got some mebendazole left over. I dont know if i'd do a full tank treatment, but youre welcome to some if you want to go nuclear.
  12. price drop again. $100.
  13. It's been a long time coming! Glad it's here.
  14. Very, very well done. Your sump looks first rate !
  15. fishypets clint? helped? did he have a fever?
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