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Everything posted by victoly

  1. Man. I just fragged the meteor shower cyphastrea he gave me years ago, tonight. He'll live on through the coral he propagated and spread around. Super nice guy. Had no idea he was this sick.
  2. I frankensteined one together. Since you're not planning on running SPS or anything super picky, you probably don't need to get as anal about chloramines as I did. 75 gpd membranes are the way to go, and if you want to increase your gpd, it's as easy as adding in another 75 gpd membrane.
  3. I'll try periodically. Pm me your emails and I'll add you in.
  4. there was quite a bit of hot air, wonder if hot air holds more CO2....
  5. "tough tank mates", i'd guess aggressive.
  6. Head over to apexfusion.com to register. They're opening a few slots every day ! Woohoo !
  7. I'm surprised there isn't any baling wire on that thing. Texan ingenuity!
  8. That is the cheapest I've seen rastas! Someone got an amazing deal.
  9. Do you have a fan blowing over your sump?
  10. Another option is to get some evaporative cooling going, since youre already using a controller.
  11. If you want to control via the apex, yes you do need a special cable to control the pumps. They come with controllers that are not compatible that can still scale up and down the flow, but if you want to control the pump speed via apex, you have to get a special cable, that isn't really manufactured by anyone (that I know of). I've made a few and could help you out.
  12. Eb8s are like gold ! Good luck.
  13. That is not true. Actually the RA comes preset and can be used as plug and play. The other option for lamers (like me) is to use friendly Wizard and set all the parameters to your liking. If you know coding then you can write your own program and upload it to your RA. Additionally on the RA forum other users share their programs. Right. And then when you want to deviate from that preloaded program (excepting changing hours or something simple you can do from the RA interface), you have to get into using the Arduino IDE. Which is fine if you're into that sort of thing, it's Just a higher difficulty level than the apex.
  14. That was last November. It's late. Should be here any day now ...
  15. That was last November. It's late. Should be here any day now ...
  16. victoly

    Bpb's 55

    Is pic 2 superman monti ? I've never seen a growth pattern like that !
  17. The thing about the reef angel is that you need to be able to straight up program. It's probably got the highest level of tweak ability, but that is at the expense of difficulty. Same thing with DIY arduino. I can program, I just don't trust myself to not make a mistake in it that could seriously impact my tank. In the long run in this hobby, 100 bucks is a drop in the bucket.
  18. Tech support at Both a company and local level.
  19. Apex. The only legit choice. Pick the line you can afford
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