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Everything posted by victoly

  1. The charting alone is worth the upgrade. SO much better than the old charts.
  2. I'm gonna be out in the field tomorrow Not gonna be able to make it.
  3. MJ1200 should be plenty powerful. It can also cement together under conditions that I haven't been able to replicate (very high alk or CA?).
  4. sounds like the data says to set an alarm for early in the morning and give it a shot then. Like i said, shoot me a PM with your email and I'll sign you up if i happen to get in again.
  5. I can pick up south plugs and get them to you. Southies, PM me.
  6. Since you mentioned this, I looked online and found Superman montipora thats look a lot like what I have. Perhaps it is a Superman, I was told it was a JMT, in any case it looks awesome. Yours looks like purple superman to me. Regular superman has a straight up blue base with red polyps.
  7. This is not the frag you're looking for?
  8. I don't know what the funeral arrangements will entail (specifically burial vs cremation), or if this is stepping on toes, but in addition to the food and money, there are two things i had in mind. #1) If you have a coral that you got from tim, frag it and pass it on. Mike (woods), that cyphastrea i fragged for you, it was from Tim. Don't worry about paying or trading me back for it. I also have an oregon tort (brown/green body with light blue growth edge) frag that is doing exceptionally well that I would love to pass on to someone with an SPS appropriate tank. #2) (Here's the one that is up in the air). If it's a traditional burial, if it's alright with the family, maybe we could send some frag plugs with him? With messages sharpied on them or something? Maybe they don't even have to be buried with him, just given to the family. But it might be neat to have a collection of everyone's different kinds of frag plugs with short messages to Tim.
  9. For a community who by definition almost always has to take things painfully slow, this response developed beautifully and very quickly. Thanks for spearheading Ty.
  10. dudddeee thats a weird looking JMT (or maybe mine is). Mines light green body, red/brown polyps with very light blue growth edge. Yours looked totally purple (some have purple growth edge) but no green body.
  11. i got in really early in the morning. i would guess that they open a few slots every few hours. best bet is to probably try at an off hour.
  12. with whatever amount of sway the money i sent had, I'd like to vote for just giving the family money to pay for expenses. Flowers are nice, but they don't pay bills.
  13. * Funeral bouquets are accepted for both religion (catholic/Buddhist). *I know Buddhist, they have a donation box set up to help the family members' funeral expenses. Asians tend to give money or do a gift card for food delivery for the family during the mourning time. Usually you don't have the energy to cook. So food is always a good thing. Normal paying respect at the funeral home/temple. *What's the funeral arrangement? At a funeral home or temple? If temple, they do a prayer, might be over an hour, so schedule to come visit before or after. If during, you have to stay and pray with them.
  14. I've got a message out to a viet friend of mine regarding appropriate funeral gifts. There is some pretty wild stuff if you get to googling. I don't trust the internet to prevent us from doing something mildly offensive.
  15. You don't need to buy a fancy power adapter. It's just a wall wart.
  16. I'd be down to throw in for some flowers or something.
  17. You would want to connect at a minimum your headunit, (potentially display), and router if you have one. You can also code such that the apex can sense the power going out and then will shut off non-essential outlets. In that case, you can connect your EB8 to the UPS and run maybe your circulation pumps as your apex emails you to tell you something is up
  18. How do we "pour one out" for Tim? Do you frag it and throw it on the ground like a drink?
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