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Everything posted by victoly

  1. ugghhhh. that sucks. did the ALD ever work prior to the leak?
  2. Only people with tanks need apply. [emoji41] Don't mistake my grammar nazi-ness with application for frag. I'm well aware of my tank shortcomings!
  3. that took me from 6 to 12.
  4. Suuuure. I think we both know you gave up that science card years ago...and traded it in for mad scientist certification.
  5. victoly


    Marine geochemistry is pretty complicated, and when you throw in livestock with a wide variety of specific needs, I would use an abundance of caution. The problem here is even just the lanthanum, that has been used with some success in reef keeping. The problem is the rate at which the phosphate is removed, the fact that it can precipitate out alkalinity, and any other unknown reactions that can affect reef inhabitants. I'm not saying this won't work, I'm saying extensively test it before putting it into use on a closed reef tank system.
  6. Awesome. If you could find a way to let users really heavily customize their charts and views, I could see a cool little standalone site for this. After which point neptune says "hey there mr. isaac, come make charts for us. here is a stack of cash"
  7. I think it's direct equivalency to meq/l. Same conversion you would do in the reef tank, so meq/l * 50 to get PPM alk. Multiply the whole thing by 1000/1000 (millieq*1000) = eq 1 liter * 1000 = 1 m3
  8. http://www.usasafety.com/gas-cylinder-wall-bracket-1-cylinder-p-28.html go big!
  9. victoly


    This stuff is *not* GFO. It's lanthanum-based. http://www.sepro.com/phoslock/How-Phoslock-Works.aspx Be very, very careful. Lanthanum chloride has been used with varying levels of success in the hobby, but it's one wild-card is the speed that it removes PO4 from the column. I would be wary of off-label use.
  10. victoly

    BC29 Part Out

    Check the price spreadsheet. Still have my 250w radium setup, lots of BRS supplements, refractometer cal solution, test kits, kalk, soda lime for CO2 scrubber, ca/mg test kits. Make me an offer.
  11. And that treasury secretary signature looks a lot like Juan Futball.
  12. Occams ****** Razor in the house. Leave it to me to go 1000% science.
  13. That actually makes perfect sense regarding the stagnant water in the reactor.
  14. I have a couple of thoughts here: 1) It *might* just be related to electrical interference from things kicking on/off (you sometimes see dips when the heater kicks on), how close is the ORP probe line to anything which could cause line interference? 2) I don't think that the carbon would be affecting GFO directly, but perhaps as it removes organic matter from the water, it should be increasing the ORP by proxy as a result of a reduction organic matter which typically depresses ORP. However, that is the opposite of what your chart shows (ORP dips when reactors kick on). 3) I've gone round and round on this, because ORP is a ***** of a parameter, but I cant reason out why GFO would have a direct affect on ORP. It's not an open reaction of GFO & Tank water, as the Phosphate is binding to the Fe3+, which should keep the whole thing relatively neutral in terms of imbalanced charge. There are just a ton of parameters that affect ORP, and it's hard to suss out what is truly the causative agent here. You have to contend with variability in pH, dissolved oxygen, phosphate, flow rates in the reactor, etc. By far the biggest modulator of ORP in reef tanks (assuming one is not running ozone) is going to be pH. Those pesky hydronium ions (i.e., an increase in H+ ions (H30+) or a reduction in pH) have a secondary oxidizing catalytic effect whereby other things are more effective oxidizers (increasing ORP). You could test all these theories by taking one or both reactors offline for a day, but continuing to run the pump.
  15. I thought you were getting out....don't play games with my heart.
  16. You gonna sell a CaRx too to feed that beast ?
  17. Global CO2 increase leading to ocean acidification isn't the biggest threat to corals, it's ty going manual mode on his apex.
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