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Everything posted by victoly

  1. It's basically just in "intank" sump created with a false back. I have something similar in a Biocube29. You can stick your skimmer/heater/misc stuff back there to keep it from cluttering the tank.
  2. youre probably looking at ~300-400 for a decent used entry level dslr with kit lens. http://tinyurl.com/7hy95m9
  3. I've already got an order in on monday, might be able to add to my order to get a shipping break. Catch is you'd have to come to me (south austin), my schedule is pretty inflexible next week and i wouldn't want yall's stuff to sit in my office.
  4. As a button. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Always better to oversize a pump and valve it down than to have a pump at 100% capacity and be insufficient. The one caveat is that a larger mag will add more heat. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. sounds neat. How are you gonna capture the blazing actinics with B/W ?
  7. So it connects to the router via 802.11 b/g/n and then you just log into it? That's pretty cool. Let us know how that goes (if you get it). Yep. I swear, with my thermostat, apex, all my wireless devices (iphones, ps3, wii, etc) it is amazing that I can stream a video with all that bandwidth chugged away.
  8. http://www.amazon.com/Dropcam-Wi-Fi-Wireless-Monitoring-Camera/dp/B006P88VSE/ref=sr_1_1?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1335379145&sr=1-1 Here's one that is pretty much ready to go out of the box for web/mobile monitoring. I'm debating between this and a PTZ cam with video server (more complicated/expensive but better video quality).
  9. The most productive sign for fragging is a naked looking tank (trades) or an empty wallet (sales)!
  10. No kidding, the box fish were *amazing*. If only they didn't have that pesky self-destruct issue...The 3-tier tank was great, and the top tank 19.99 frags we're very compelling deals. Well done.
  11. What is the make/model of the camera george? There are quite a few 3rd party apps that might run your server/cam setup.
  12. No problem good sir. Sorry I couldn't come out and say hello. Putting a 2-year old to sleep is very serious business.
  13. There are about a thousand ways to do it. Easiest IMO is to get a wifi cam and integrate it into your network. I'm Pondering using the wireless bridge I'm using for my apex to host a regular Ethernet cam. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. I've been flashed a lot of things over the years but an ARC card would be a 1st. lol HAHAHAHAHA! I bet! I wonder if it's too late for me to get into law enforcement....
  15. Kind of a sidenote/hijack here, but I used some flatworm exit in my tank last week to prevent a possible contamination (idiot me didn't dip a frag that other members said might have some FW, don't worry this wasn't at the frag swap). It *decimated* my snail population, even with carbon and a sizable water change. Just something to consider, as I place a reef cleaners ad.
  16. It looks to me like that union isnt fully cinched down because the skimmer is too high causing stress on the elbow joint. is there any way to get it to "relax" a little bit and be more of a right angle? Hopefully I', explaining this ok, it just looks too far flexed to me.
  17. I'll make sure and flash my ARC card anytime i get pulled over in georgetown, just in case.... oh THIS isn't my driver's license...
  18. I need to get her an agent She may need an agent, i feel like my son might need a lawyer.
  19. righteous! didn't know if it was a "getting out" or moving sale as opposed to a tank upgrade sale.
  20. Chip i can cut you some kenya if you desire it.
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