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Everything posted by victoly

  1. He's probably got a few days before lack of food starts to have adverse effects. Give it another day or two and see if it comes open naturally, it tends to flake off of my hands within 24-28 hours. Hopefully this wasn't from the cyphastera frag
  2. How do they prevent it from leaching into the water upon feeding?
  3. I did!!! Lol! I had suspicions. I took one visit, and my sons enthusiasm was not well received. I'll take hunter at AD 100/100 times.
  4. Mike I think it kind of happens organically. People who have a tendency to reach out are going to do so regardless of a forum feature, and there will never be a shortage of new reefers. I vote to let nature take its course
  5. Crendon, you are a scholar and a saint. May the sun shine on your face for 1,000 days.
  6. I think crendon has bit the bullet and volunteered. Heep praises unto thee.
  7. and the website is down for me. was just going to redo my refunded order. dangit!
  8. Not real wise to trash this forum. First off, can you briefly describe what's going on with your tank or link me if it's in a previous post ? Secondly, what store is it so I can think twice before giving them business. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Getting desperate huh ? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Everyone should just say "ARC" for the group order. We have the money to get free overnight, we just need someone to accept the shipping destination.
  11. When you are using RODI, you remove anything from it that contributes to "hardness". Any resulting hardness in your tank will be from 1) salt 2)liverock 3)sand 4) supplemeints.
  12. follow the rules people
  13. 1) mitch, mitch sengson, north, $30 2) George Monnat Jr, George Monnat, Jr., north $30-60 (far NW Austin) 60-90 3) sifuentes31, Gilbert Sifuentes, $20 dollars worth 80-110 4) Victoly , $30, South 110-140 5) Nwehrmann - Nicole, $30, South 140-170
  14. Appears so. Good find ! If it's IP based, hopefully most web browsers would be able to view it.
  15. He's got an apex, so he checks/logs it about once per second
  16. If you are using RODI, hardness is out of the equation, because it strips *everything* out of the water. Silica based sands won't lower your pH, but they won't add buffering capacity. Give the CO2 stuff a try, because that might make a difference. You might try adding more aragonite sand to increase the carbonates that get dumped into the water. Just a thought.
  17. What sand are you using? What is your live rock load like? If you have a heavier silica based sand as opposed to a more carbonaceous sand, you won't have quite the buffering capacity.
  18. Came here to suggest exif. Was beat to the punch by James. ****.
  19. I had a 20-30 dollar order that i can suspend and attach to the group buy.
  20. Doggonit, you guys are drawing me back in. Like I said, I've got a bunch of business junk next week which would prohibit me from coordinating, but I held off on overnight shipping because I couldn't justify the expense. However if we can bust that limit, I'd be happy to participate. Perhaps someone centrally located can order, and I'd be happy to grab the "southbound" shipment.
  21. If you're using RODI, your unit will be stripping out essentially everything anyway. Softened water will extend the life of your filters and membranes however. And yes, i believe standard softener installs cover all water coming in to the house.
  22. Gentlemen, i apologize, I am going to have to back out. Going to be busy next week and won't be able to accept order. Carry on!
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