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Everything posted by victoly

  1. Yeah. YSI makes great products, i use them fairly regularly. However, to make use of that probe, you have to have some backend hardware to take that signal that it produces and make it do something. It would be easy enough to read it manually and then do x,y or z, but then what's the point if youre turning 1 lb into 10 lbs anyway. Seems like maybe KISS is the way to go here.
  2. victoly

    MIA fish

    So a small lyretail anthias has gone MIA from my tank. I had only had it for probably 24 hours and it disappeared into my rock work. I tore the tank apart trying to find it, dead or alive. No luck. It's a close topped tank, so it didn't jump. Tore my back sump compartment up as well. I need a xanax and a water change
  3. Mine are just loose in my cabinet, inside the factory boxes. Of course I also don't have any local pot control (I use an apex to control my dimming). IMO its just easier to keep them loose. But if you're a tinkerer, go for it
  4. I saw Mike yesterday and he seemed pretty intent on fragging a big chunk of his off. Might give him a PM to see what's up.
  5. What are the dimensions of the tubing ? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. So this may earn me a smack on the head, but why not have the SW mixing on top so you can access the container lid to dump in salt?
  7. When a boy urchin and a girl urchin love each other very much.... Sounds like in this case, he's lonely.
  8. The only probes that aquacontrollers are compatible with are pH, ORP, DO, Specific Conductivity and salinity (temp also). Aqueous CO2 sensors are uncommon, especially at a small scale. However, if you control your input source water's alkalinity, you can have a pretty good approximation of CO2 content via pH and temperature. Here's a little light reading: https://srac.tamu.edu/index.cfm/event/getFactSheet/whichfactsheet/112/ How precise do you need the CO2 readings to be? I would think that using the pH/Alk/temp relationship that you can get a decent idea of your CO2 concentration. As for being able to monitor this real time via the APEX, youre SOL. You would probably need to construct a project specific SCADA type of system, and youre talking big bucks now.
  9. victoly

    16g nano tank

    test a fresh water source. might be the kit.
  10. Do you have any more zoa colonies in the 15-30 range? Been looking for some but havent had any luck.
  11. Roger is a good dude. Feels good to support an Austin company. Another good job Mike! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. victoly

    cali tort

    looking to trade this frag. It fell off and landed in my rhodactis during maintenance and has some tissue receding where there was contact. Was/Is still a healthy coral though, just don't know if I'm ready for SPS. Looking to trade for something blue (shrooms, zoas?), palau nepthea, or a medium zoa colony (25+ heads)
  13. Coral ridge circle eh? Did you select your house based solely off of the street name?
  14. How do you sex a mandarin? Very carefully.....
  15. Closet looks amazing! great work.
  16. Busy bee! I'm getting anxious just viewing the images. Best of luck on completing your work before your deadline. Emphasis on the dead if you don't complete it before the shower.
  17. You'd have to run cords to the two separate tanks. IMO you miss out on one of the most important features of the APEX, which is temp control. It would be an underataking to work around the way you are suggesting. I'll be here to help if you decide to proceed though.
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