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Everything posted by victoly

  1. This is just a simple price comparison for 100 gallon tank http://www.bulkreefsupply.com/geo-calcium-reactor-418.html - $299.99 for the reactor http://www.bulkreefsupply.com/reactors/milwaukee-ma957-co2-regulator.html $94.99 for the regulator http://www.bulkreefsupply.com/reactors/co2-tank-5-lbs.html $79.99 for the tank http://www.google.com/products/catalog?q=milwaukee+ph+controller&hl=en&rlz=1C1GGGE_enUS379US379&prmd=imvns&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.&ion=1&biw=1680&bih=963&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=9249091789668889912&sa=X&ei=PdU_UNbbE-ec2QXEgoHADg&ved=0CFcQxBUwAA#scoring=tp pH controller $95.38 Consumables Cost (annual) http://www.marinedepot.com/CaribSea_A.R.M._Aragonite_Reactor_Media_Calcium_Reactor_Media-CaribSea-CS0525-FICRCM-vi.html $22.99 * 2 uses/yr = 45.98 CO2 - $30 Total for CO2 = $646.33 for the first year of operation. This cost does not include incidentals like tubing/plumbing for setup OR shipping/taxes for goods. Total cost would probably be somewhere around $700.
  2. this is what i was going to suggest. Setting up a float valve on the waste outlet could potentially have some undesirable effects...
  3. I've been meaning to get a nice sampling on the club perspective of automated dosing setups versus calcium reactors. My personal feeling (and this is bias because i don't currently have either installed, although I have done CO2 in the past for planted tanks), is that dosing premixed solutions is the safer (and therefore best management practice) for getting necessary elements to our SPS. I would love to be convinced otherwise, because I think CO2 reactors are so much cooler than boring old dosing pumps. Go! Picture unrelated.
  4. Haha, this is actually pretty funny (with respect to patrick and my continual back and forth of biology vs technology) but I'm not super high on calcium reactors! Patrick, i swear I don't just follow you around and disagree with you for fun! I feel like they pose a huge risk if they fail! I've been meaning to start a thread on dosing pumps vs reactors, and now seems to be the perfect time!
  5. Take out some so the remaining plant mass has more room to grow maybe?
  6. Yeah, i was thinking that to myself. They should have called it "All about corals" because the fish selection was meh, but the coral selection was outstanding. I pondered picking up some stuff, but his prices were fairly high (for good reason), and didn't want to risk a 3 hour trip back from the SE side of town to austin.
  7. Beautiful piece. I've got a sarcophyton just like the one on the far side. It's one of my favorites.
  8. My car has been broken into 3 times in Austin so... Let's keep this to the topic of a neat fish store I went to in Houston ... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. https://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&ie=UTF-8&q=all+about+fish+houston&fb=1&gl=us&hq=all+about+fish&hnear=0x8640b8b4488d8501:0xca0d02def365053b,Houston,+TX&cid=0,0,11086687363665535060&ei=6fI-UNrcHciWyAGb9oHIBQ&ved=0CKkBEPwSMAA
  10. I finished up my field work in houston today and decided to drop by a nearby LFS on the recommendation of a friend (Ben Johnson of Captive Aquatic Ecosystems http://www.caecosystems.com/). I was very impressed. They are a saltwater/reef ONLY store (wow!) and have 3 very large frag tanks packed with great looking livestock. I didn't get to speak with the owner, but it looked like they were doing quite a bit of growing on the premises, as evidenced by encrusting SPS on frag racks that had grown onto the rack itself. I just wanted to let folks know that if they're on the south side of Houston, that they should definitely drop by to see a top notch establishment.
  11. can you post a picture of the current setup?
  12. I'm out in the field right now, but if I had access to better Internet, I'd attach an appropriate meme. Well done, I'm very impressed ! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. No but seriously, I want, nay DESIRE photos of the finished fishroom/garage for future reference. The video was nice, but I like seeing the big picture of how things function.
  14. victoly

    bubble coral

    Yeah, i think it's a flow problem. We'll see though. Etannert was the first to respond, so it's hers at this point.
  15. victoly

    bubble coral

    Looking to give someone else a shot at a bubble coral that has not been thriving in my tank. It has slowly receded over time and I'm ready to pass it on to see if someone else can get it to perk up. I'd prefer to send it to an experienced reefer with a well established tank.
  16. In terms of growth rates, xenia and anthelia are on par. However, on my "nuisance rock" that is isolated from my major rockwork, it seems that anthelia grows at a faster rate than GSP.
  17. For those of you that want to see the guts of the build, they are in the videos linked above. How recently was the video made? Specifically, was everything totally complete?
  18. I, for one, am as interested in a photo-tour of the guts of the system, as I am the DT.
  19. Looks amazing. Jealousy abounds. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. Not even a little bit . The downside of tank bred clowns I suppose. One day I'll cave and get an anemone for them. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. I like the way this is headed. 3 kessils is crazy ! How do you feel about the color/coverage ? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. victoly

    Sump ideas

    We're going in circles here. Time to let others chime in. I'm done with the subject. Good luck with whatever method you chose Kim!
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