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Everything posted by victoly

  1. Just thought it might be fun for everyone to post their tank as it is today. I'll start. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. display fuge? what is this wizardry?
  3. I fall a little bit more into the "CUC is necessary" side of the spectrum, but i totally understand where the "god my tank looks bad because there are snails everywhere" category. This early in the tank cycle I don't know that they'd be all that beneficial (not much to clean up/may not be healthy for them to be in an uncycled or undercycled tank), but my vote would to be to add a combo of dwarf cerith/cerith/nassarius/nerites/hermits (something like http://www.reefcleaners.org/index.php?page=shop.product_details&flypage=flypage_new.tpl&product_id=209&category_id=20&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=34 from one of our sponsors) or an equivalent from a LFS would be something to consider one you begin to ramp up your stocking. Like jestep said, it's important not to overdo the CUC or you'll have die off which will contribute to water quality and consequently nuisance algae problems.
  4. Like your tank a lot. Quite a few UT grads 'round these parts if you need help with anything. What program are you trying to get into?
  5. I don't see any reason you couldn't keep a clown in an 8 gallon for a pretty long time...Mine stay in about a 1 ft3 area in my tank and they arent even hosting anything. I think that youll find that quite a few folks will have free frags of starter corals if youre interested. I've got some small pieces of capnella (kenya tree) that you're welcome to if you want to try different things.
  6. i would like one of everything please and thank you
  7. victoly

    The cube

    is a chiller an option? sounds like a better use of your valuable time to spend a few hundred on a chiller than to go up to the office every three hours over the weekend like you're nursing a child :/
  8. welcome. start a build thread, post some pictures and enjoy your stay!
  9. dont give up! what was the IP that you were entering when you were port forwarding in your router? was that still the issue?
  10. alright, I'll PM you my cell # if you want to text me later for a more immediate response. on the condition that you post whatever solution you find to help others on the quest to the holy grail of reef automation.
  11. What ip did you put in ? Also what is the internal ip of the aciii ? What do you type to get it inside the network? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. service name is just something for your use, so you can tell what apps are using a specific port (i call mine "apex") for TCP or UDP, select "both" if you can, if you can only select one, select TCP starting field is going to be whatever port your ACIII specifies (probably 80) ending will be the same as starting server IP is going to be the IP specified by your ACIII (probably
  13. also, you may be able to setup your router to handle sending your IP back to your dyndns forwarder. p62 of the router manual details it: ftp://downloads.netgear.com/files/WNR1000v2/Documentation/UM/WNR1000v2_UM_19NOV2009.pdf
  14. have you opened up the port that you setup with your dynamic dns on your router? your ACIII will have an option to use a particular port. http://support.herefilefile.com/entries/171529-how-to-forward-ports-on-a-netgear-wnr1000-v2 - here is how you forward the port on your router. you're going to pick whatever port is selected on your ACIII (usually this is 80) if your dynamic dns forwarding is set up correctly, you should access your acIII like this (using your noip address) grim.noip.com:80 where 80 is whatever port you setup on your acIII
  15. if not, there are tons available, i use this one: http://freedns.afraid.org/signup/
  16. what is the make/model of your router? Is the AC3 connected via ethernet cable or wireless access point? who is your ISP?
  17. I have an apex, and not an AC3, so they're slightly different, but I'd be glad to try and help, over the forum or phone at the very least. Not sure if i'll be able to get away from the house this weekend. Just to be clear, are you able to access it internally from your own network?
  18. you mean defunct amazonia? not sure how crazy she would be about coming to celebrate a new place. lulz.
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