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Everything posted by victoly

  1. a few small capnella sprigs and the cabbage coral
  2. Sure do. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. can vouch for rchavez, would visit again 10/10, sweetest blue digi i have ever seen.
  4. i know aquadome has a tank that has quite a few ORA colonies. i cant recall if RCA or aquatek do, i just don't go there as often.
  5. true, but if you could feed it a richer influent without serious concessions, why not?
  6. Yeah, I have two comments. First comment is, you may be better off having nutrient rich water coming from your tank and going to your fuge (through a filter sock preferably) via an intake T than from your return which will reduce some of your pressure. In the event that you do choose to go the return pump to fuge route, you would have more control over the flow to the display and the fuge if you had 2 valves, one to control flow rate immediately after the pump outlet, and another to control the rate of flow diversion to the fuge. I think you'll be fine either way. The advantage of one way is that you have better conditions for your fuge (at the expense of complicating your influent from your tank) while the other route may have a little less nutrients to the fuge (primarily skimmed water from your protein skimmer) will simplify the intake plumbing at the expense of effluent flow rate to the display tank. good luck, glad to have you aboard! Definitely document your progress for yourself and for others who consider something like what you plan.
  7. yeah, sounds like you should definitely listen to that guy
  8. Most of the big domain name registries (Godaddy, etc) have built-in services where you can put together a simple site. My advice would be to dump the twitter (it's a high maintenance medium that requires that you actively "recruit followers". are you potential clients likely twitter users?), and rather maintain something simple on LinkedIn ("Hey this is what we do, if you want to know more check out my website"). A friend of mine is a web designer makes outstanding sites, but isn't cheap (if reefers know anything, it's that quality can be expensive). He's currently the creative director for frontgate tickets. http://heyitshunter.com/ what kind of consulting will you be doing?
  9. i've said it before and i'll say it again. You are a saint and a scholar. Texas misses you.
  10. congrats. look forward to seeing you on the forum at 2 am, 4am, 6 am. and not again until 2 am, 4 am, 6am...
  11. I seriously considered having a bulkhead installed in the far right of the tank to have my return come up through the bottom, but figured out a different way to achieve this without killing the resell options of the tank, though I can't imagine selling it. Shhhh. don't let your tank hear that you are considering selling it one day before you even have it installed. Bulkheads can always be plugged, although less holes is always better when you're talking about a literal ton of water.
  12. The crossbraces are on top and divide the tank into thirds. Rather than the old style 6" glass crossbrace these are 2" and made of black pvc. It's not rimless. As for flow, Tim and I have a few tricks up our sleeves that we hope to be able to pull off which will mask the powerheads but still allow flow throughout the tank. Part of that ties in to his DIY aragonite rock demo he'll be giving at September meetings. MP40....THROUGH THE BOTTOM OF THE TANK. you heard it here first, barriers are being broken.
  13. The FTS thread is like the fashion show of FTS threads (your tank at it's apex). This is what-you-wear-when-you-wake-up FTS thread.
  14. Gary, I'll be collecting my commission for endcap sales in fish or corals please.
  15. awesome, thanks for the info.
  16. if you buy bulbs from aquadome they'll apparently hook you up with a ballast and caps. http://www.austinreefclub.com/topic/23916-you-buy-the-bulbs-we-supply-the-ballastendcaps/
  17. List price and final price aren't always the same though. Think of it like an MLS (real estate) for tanks. Helps to set the market accurately.
  18. Awesome tanks guys. I started a little too late this time, next time I'll do it earlier in the day for more volume. Thanks for sharing!
  19. If you don't mind, what was the final price on the big tank? I think it's good for the market to know pricing on used items. If not, no biggie.
  20. One of the engineering problems with tanks like this is, that you want the end of your peninsula to be clear of flow ugliness (MP's stuck on the glass, a wavebox obscuring view, etc). Something I've thought might be a neat solution (short of drilling a CL through the bottom of the tank) is to do a CL that had the lines running through the substrate with the outlets exiting the substrate and pointing back towards the overflow box on the other side of the tank. Of course there are challenges associated with this approach (thin outlet lines [1/2" tops], extra hardware to run the CL [additional pump or more powerful return pump, SCWD etc]), but you gain unobstructed view.
  21. Whatever the spirit moves us to do. Just though it would be neat to see everyone's goods. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. Tank so big you gotta take pictures at an angle. Color me jealous. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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