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Everything posted by victoly

  1. first things first, an easy way to post expense charts is to copy/pasta into google documents spreadsheet. second thing, if you're a network engineer, you're gonna need one of these: http://www.neptunesystems.com/ We'll see you in the appropriate subforum when you've made the choice that 90% of all reef technologists use (where's my dadgum commission from neptune...): third thing: a major issue that folks seem to have with office tanks is temperature control. many office buildings shut down the AC at night, and it is very hard to keep a tank at a decent temperature with no indoor AC. at a bare minimum evaporative cooling can help keep you in the low 80's. however with a tank that small, you could evaporate a large percentage of your tank in a single day without an ATO. good to see that it is in the works. here is a gif commemorating your tank build post: Look forward to seeing pictures!
  2. duly noted. I'll be cruising the ladies department at the grocery story, which is totally atypical for me...
  3. they have bone cutters in the nail department?!
  4. couldn't have happened to a better guy.
  5. your best bet is to ask for hunter off the bat. he's generally the reef dude. they have a new girl who I haven't really had a chance to talk to yet who is up in the reef section sometimes.
  6. pham's always got something available he's a good dude and you won't be disappointed.
  7. glad to have you. post a build thread and you'll get enough feedback to empty your wallet and fill your brain.
  8. So i need to to some maintenance fragging of my SPS. There are ton's of different devices out there, and they seem to come in large packs. What tools do you use, and what are redundant/unnecessary?
  9. Let one of us know next time and if they can't hold it, I wouldn't mind holding it until you can get here. Like I said, I office right next to AD and can be there in 5 minutes to grab something. WHICH I DID NOT DO IN THIS SCENARIO.
  10. someone is going to be very quiet about their new purchase.....
  11. oh snap! a lurker took it! etannnnerrrrrttt
  12. ps, bio3 is putting in an acrylic order today, perhaps if no one has one this might be a good time for you to get your feet wet building
  13. i don't have a need for plankton reactors, but i now feel like i need to build one...
  14. I believe that particular fish has been there for a pretty good while (hunter seemed fond of him when I asked about him last time), so he's gotta be eating something. Was he in that middle level long tank?
  15. My office is right by aquadome. Sounds like i need to pick this puppy up and start a bidding war... Disclaimer, if it is gone by the time you get there I did not actually purchase it, please don't hurt me.
  16. You have my sword. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. take only corals, leave only monies.
  18. Pokemon: Zoa edition. Gotta catch em all!
  19. the glamorous life of a band director. all you have to do is make it another 30 years.
  20. Yeah, probably on both counts. Give it some time, both in terms of bioload/feeding and letting the skimmer break in. Patience is the worst part of the hobby.
  21. Also, if there's not enough skimmate material that may be another factor. Is the tank new ? How is it stocked if not? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. A general rule is to set it a little on the low side. Some skimmers take a while (few days) to break in before the start producing skimmate. Make sure you follow the manual, they all work a little differently. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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