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Everything posted by victoly

  1. Ill take the undata Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Ill have to check tomorrow, I siphoned it out tonight. It appears to be slimy. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Seriously, what is in the water ? I haven't changed my routine at all, and all of a sudden, dinos pop up. Nitrates are 1.5 ppm and po4 is 0.06 ppm. What the heck ? Check the picture to make sure I didn't misidentify. Wtf? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Feelin it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Awe! thanks! I owe you one (beer?) if you could just babysit for a few days so I could take a vacation, that would be great.
  6. We need more members like you. It's nice to see we still have some members with morals who share the joy! you know it's how I roll
  7. you know what, it's greedy for me to take two. give the porcelain to captain obvious.
  8. victoly

    Petco LOL

    really wish stephen (hydro) was still around to QT. there's gotta be a way to fund a QT center for the club... MIKE?!
  9. bige bige bige, can't you see? look in my sig, you'll see it's me.
  10. I feel badly for anyone who tried to read threads on slow internet. One day, I might totally bring down the forum.
  11. victoly

    Zoa id please

    middle looks like: http://www.coralpedia.com/index.php?module=Gallery2&g2_itemId=9320
  12. here's a stock tyree watermelon
  13. victoly

    Zoa id please

    top left looks like : http://www.coralpedia.com/index.php?module=Gallery2&g2_itemId=7136
  14. I'd buy one of the skunks from you after you get them captured. Maybe try the old bottle fish trap and see if you can get them to do the same thing?
  15. just to cover bases here, you are using RODI water and a name brand salt mix?
  16. victoly

    Petco LOL

    make sure you have a helluva overflow. if one of the DBW's get stuck, you're going to have a problem.
  17. Still seems a little weird man. Has anyone else has instances where the light being on all the time causes death? I would have thought it would be temperature, as a result of the lights being on, but earlier you said that the temp never exceeded 80. very weird.
  18. i laughed about the feces stream. reintroducing shouldn't give another cycle, unless something on the rock died when you have it out. honestly, what it sounds like to me is either salinity swings or temperature swings. check all your parameters and get back to us. often times rushing to fix something (many large water changes) can be more stressful to the tank than whatever the unerlying problem is. I'd leave your fuge, at worst it does nothing. at best it is exporting excess nutrients. if you're worried about chemicals in the tank, run carbon. Make sure you use good stuff (BRS rox is the best IMO), and I have some if you need it. For clarification, what parts of the tank did you paint, and how?
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