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Everything posted by victoly

  1. I love this tank concept tim. Looks great.
  2. victoly

    Fox coral

    I don't have one currently (obviously), but I had a green one back in the day. Super cool, super easy to care for.
  3. Call it Steve. When the demiflatworms come to eat your acros, Steve the coral takes them out with a nail studded bat.
  4. The progress on your tank over time has been incredible man. Especially impressive that you travel for work. Well done.
  5. you'd have to find people who originally brought them in "fresh: and then had a relatively well documented chain of owners. It might be worth contacting some of the old school, high-visibility reefers (e.g., sanjay joshi, mike paletta, richard ross) to see if they can help source some older frags. "Newer" frags could just be brought in strait from the reef. Something worth noting might be that there may be a distinction between a frag from the reef as opposed to a mariculture. Is there any degradation while still in-situ before they even reach a hobbyist?
  7. This is super, super cool. Do you guys do any work with Rowan Martindale at JSG? She's the resident coral person.
  8. That's why you have two, the first takes care of the second, right? hahhhh.....i cry. What's the humidity like when the dehumidifier isnt on vs when it is on?
  9. I can see that argument. Have you done any experimentation on the increased AC load when your vent fan is running? While a vent fan is surely the lowest energy consumption on it's own, it's not operating in a vacuum (hah!) and increases the amount that your HVAC is on. It's not trivial to test, because you're kind of reliant on ambient outdoor temperature determining how much your AC cuts on.
  10. Preach! Anthelia though is a scourge I would avoid with stony corals. period
  11. I wonder about the effectiveness of an inhouse dehumidifier vs a straight vent? I know they also introduce heat, but I wonder if there is some kind of controlled inlet/outlet system like those hose-based server AC units that would be located outside (dumping the hot air outside) as well as removing residual moisture. There is for sure a cost-benefit analysis to be done on all this.
  12. Are you just going to run the exhaust manually? Timed? Humidistat?
  13. What's your plan for moisture control in this room?
  14. Agreed. Having that built in server was critical for me as well.
  15. Yuuuup. Totally agree. It just recieves alk = x ca = y, mg = z twice per day. There would be no reason to offload *any* computation to the apex itself, and even if there was, the computation for something like a spectrophotometer, or additional pH probe, or stepper motors to disburse acid or whatever are minimal.
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