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Everything posted by victoly

  1. i did just get a bottle of tito's as a gift...for you vodka dosers, what guide did you use?
  2. if youre going to thread hijack, please use vegetable denominations.
  3. Just turned the light on after the photoperiod was over, and ill be damned if the stuff wasn't nearly gone. Weird... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. well that escalated quickly. looks awesome! plumbing looks great, diggin the rockwork. 10/10 would view again.
  5. my cleanup crew is dead and gone.
  6. running it right now. have been since i set the tank up.
  7. So I'm having difficulties with the stuff :/ It never comes off the sandbed, and reappears in 24-48 hours after i siphon off the sandbed or mix it up. I'm running GFO in a bag to pull phosphates, as my nitrates haven't been measurable in some time. ugh.
  8. no doubt roland has some of the best SPS in austin. thanks bud.
  9. third from the bottom is amazing! can you explain the flatworm business?
  10. I'd do a little experimenting on your own with this to determine where you want it. I would think that lower is better, but if your dehumidifier fan is on 24/7 maybe you could find a happy medium where it's only kicking on for a few hours a day when the humidity calls for it. The advantage of low humidity (other than preventing mold issues) is that you're going to be able to use evaporative (fans over the water surface) cooling more effectively than if your humidity was high.. For reference, the humidity in my house right now is 49% (running a humidifier for my sick boy, and no AC running to dehumidify). However, i have a small covered tank and don't lose much to evap at all.
  11. PM'd ya. thanks for the kindness.
  12. spot on, I was going to suggest something to remove algae. I thought maybe a peroxide dip, but since the piece is already impacted manual removal is probably best. +1
  13. Very very nice idea! Have you sent a support ticket to recommend this? Im actually writing them a letter with ideas/improvement recommendations. Also sending a support ticket with the same letter pasted in. Mind if I add this too my letter? Of course if you send it also it will be more voices to help sway em! Go right ahead. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. yeah, it would be nice if they had an option to remove manual on or lock or do a passcode for critical stuff like ATO pumps just to keep this exact thing from happening.
  15. true story :/ might be a deal breaker for me on a bigger tank. outlets are premium for apex, and the ability to turn off via wxm or the variable speed ports is huge. like i said, BMLED needs apex gurus. will work for lights.
  16. Air locked ? Turn the pump over a few times underwater and see if any bubbles come out of a hole in the casing. Once the air is gone it will work, if that is the issue. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. look at the driver again. are you sure you want to be plugging into output 10v (yellow?). Are you sureyou aren't going into green? Either scenario for v2: White/Orange Stripe (cat5) -> Purple (driver) Orange (cat5) - yellow or green (driver)
  18. whats interesting though is, if there is no voltage applied, there should be no light output right? is it off until you apply 9v?
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