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Everything posted by victoly

  1. if you were really persnickety, you could test until your PO4 goes to zero. I like to soak mine in a covered container with RODI for three days prior to use, changing water each day. They can kick off some phosphate which can be problematic in smaller tanks. it's not about removing the carbon dust. BRS carbon is the highest quality in the hobby right now.
  2. i like the look of it. do you have a screen top to keep that wrasse in the water?
  3. i just went with white egg crate. I had to buy a whole dang sheet of it too, so if you give me dimensions of what you need, it's about time i return some of the favors you've done me. let me now if you're interested Kim.
  4. **** near took my finger off when i was gluing them together. i had them like a foot apart and bumped one so it shot towards its pair. careful folks.
  5. brian did you coat your magnets? In the process of making my rack i noticed that the epoxy seemed to chip off. we'll see if it has any effect on the tank (a little rust shouldn't hurt right)
  6. Seconded on the ATO Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. I'll gladly participate in the pacific island stakeholder meeting . A letter to our federal reps would probably be well served. The last thing USFWS wants is for congress to get involved. In a state where business and lack of federal intervention is a priority, it might be pretty easy to appeal to those folks.
  8. way too expensive for a backup IMO. If it goes down, plug everything into a regular powerstrip until you can get a new base. there isn't anything that is inoperable without it, just more manual work. My vote is to pass.
  9. I need some, but I don't need near that much. I'd be happy to trade frags or pay for part of someone elses order (a half pound should last me a pretty long time).
  10. The only one that immediately popped out at me was frogspawn. Someone who is better taxonomically (timfish ) could check the list and make sure we're not missing any. Honestly, I'm fine with restricting collecting, as long as ownership and propagated corals are exempted.
  11. Just thought of something to consider about your stand. How are you planning to get your sump in/out of there? If that puppy ever springs a leak or you want to change your chamber setup or something, you're going to have limited options.
  12. a little hydrocodone and you might have the best party of your LIFE.
  13. v1. only difference in v2 is that it is slimmer and has options more wiring options for exotic heating and cooling options.
  14. The fan controller on my ac is very particular about voltage. The nest steals some voltage to charge a battery in it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. It's pretty much my one particular type of hear pump (trane). You should call nest and tell them what you have or check their website. Almost all standard acs work fine. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Wifi controllable thermostat (via iphone or android). This one is only about a month old, it's incompatible with my particular brand of AC. If there was any way i could make this work I would keep it, so with a heavy heart I need to sell it. $165 firm for you fine folks.
  17. both look amazing. looking forward to vidyas!
  18. It needs to be epoxy coated for immersion. I just bought 4 from gaussboys.com
  19. So I have an email out to the water quality lab for the city of austin, but this is the silica data that was available online (in mg/l). The two values represent the silica at each of the two water treatment plants that serve different parts of the city (the first represents south austin, the second represents everything north of the river) 3Q2011 - 8.1/7.1 4Q2011 - 9.1/9.4 1Q2012 - 6.8/6.8 2Q2012 - 9.9/9.4 So it looks like there is an increase during the winter months. The question for me is how effective my RODI unit is at removing silica, and if I have passed some kind of threshold where the excess is feeding diatom growth. I also have some GHA going on, which tells me i have NO3/PO4 excess, so it's probably a combination. We just need richardL to send in a dummy sample of tap water to AWT so we can see .
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