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Everything posted by victoly

  1. are you hosting the servers on your own computer (ie at your home IP address) ? if not, it seems wasteful to pay for something that is free. once you have that setup, you can integrate into your website via xml or using the banner that some of us arc apexers have. also, i believe that apex jr is compatible with the breakout, the old aquacontroller jr is not.
  2. ughhhhh wish i had more horizontal real estate for that rainbow monti. roland i see you creepin this thread, get that one and grow me some
  3. this is a good little skimmer, worth the price of admission. glws pham
  4. Agree, good growth, tank looks good overall!. How about an updated FTS?
  5. I'll kind of give you a rundown: Apex Settings: (Network settings tab) Disable DHCP Aquacontroller address: Netmask Gateway: DNS: Secondary DNS: HTTP Port: 8080 DD-WRT Settings I have my dd-wrt set to (client bridge mode, note you cannot do DDNS from this router!) In the wireless security settings on the dd-wrt route, set the l/p to the 2wire's l/p and authentication method . Those are literally the only things i did to a fresh reset of the dd-wrt router. 2Wire RG settings: (settings)(firewall)(applcations, pinholes and DMZ) then click "add a new user application" under "applications list" application profile name: apex protocol: tcp port: 8080 to 8080 protocol timeout (black) map to host port application type: blank click "add to list) I don't know if UDP is necessary, but i repeated the above process above with "UDP" before i went back to the previous page. After you click "back" and are back on the "applications" tab, in the text box, type in (or whatever your apex IP is) and click choose. Scroll down on the applications list until you find "apex", click save. DDNS I don't think you can do DDNS through the RG, so I have an app on my computer that I run on startup to update the IP. This may be redundant, because I haven't seen my IP change in 6+ months. I use http://freedns.afraid.org/. Then what I do from my Aquanotes app on my phone and type in my DDNS address AND the port forwarded. e.g. victoly.crabdance.com:8080 to access my apex remotely. whew, i need a beer. BOOM, you're in (unless i've forgotten something, which i probably have)
  6. Looks really good, you're in good shape in my opinion. 1) Most of the members I've seen have had issues with the RK and end up going Apex. There is a good support base locally for the apex as well. I'm a strong proponent of using a controller on your reef. 2) http://www.bigalspets.com/fish/temperature-control/mini-heater-15-w.html 3) I like tubbs blue zoas 4)Stocking looks fine. Glad to see where this goes in the future!
  7. I have your exact same setup. I can do step by step later ok today when I can access my router. The setup on the 2wire is a little confusing, but works fine once it's tweaked. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Alternately, mark donations as a gift, and the fee won't be charged. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. So are they just needing money at this point or are there things that are needed? Hopefully they had renters insurance?
  10. Let me know the gender of the child and maybe we can get some toys for the tot.
  11. It's more of a restaurant/tourist trap than an ecological exhibit IMO. The texas state aquarium in corpus, the dallas aquarium and seaworld are the best IMO (in that order).
  12. Kind of depends on where you'll be working.
  13. On a move that long most people would tell you to sell your livestock :/ Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. also, i think forum rules state that each piece needs to have an individual price.
  15. for running reactors (GFO, carbon, chiller, whatever) from your main return pump instead of everything having an individual pump.
  16. I'm not rummaging through that hoard.
  17. I'll bring the rum and a bad attitude.
  18. can you put my stuff in a small treasure chest?
  19. dude, your tank is lookin mighty fine. build thread?
  20. we all know you have a xenia problem
  21. lol that makes me look bad. for the record, 1/2 is plenty strong for most aquarium/hanging applications. take back your 3/4 that you bought and get 1/2" and you can borrow my bender
  22. victoly

    Tanks for sale.

    make/model/operational status of the chiller?
  23. i want to buy from you just because of imossibru.
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