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Everything posted by victoly

  1. "I'd appreciate all the trolls to crawl back under there bridge or troll someone else." "others of you I'm sure I'd be fine without meeting" these are not nice things to say.
  2. I'll bring the champagne!
  3. ive moved it all over the place. it's still really pretty, just not open like in your photos.
  4. I'm of the opinion that keeping animals transitionally (I want this specimen and I will eventually give it away when it grows) is not the greatest husbandry practice. You made the right decision moving along, you'll find something that makes you happy.
  5. blast from the past here, but this thing has *never* opened for me. weirdest thing, it's huge, but stays clumped all the time. thoughts?
  6. there's an XML feed tab, i just copy/pastad what was in there.
  7. this is the XML feed: apex AC4:14333 -6 12/31/2012 00:00:00 Temp Temp80.8 pH pH8.38 Amp_3 Amps1.6 12/31/2012 00:01:00 Temp Temp80.8 pH pH8.38 Amp_3 Amps1.5 12/31/2012 00:02:00 Temp Temp80.8 pH pH8.38 Amp_3 Amps1.5 12/31/2012 00:03:00 Temp Temp80.9 pHpH8.38 Amp_3 Amps1.6 12/31/2012 00:04:00 Temp Temp80.9 pH pH8.38 Amp_3 Amps1.6 12/31/2012 00:05:00 Temp Temp80.9 pH pH8.38 Amp_3 Amps1.6 12/31/2012 00:06:00 Temp Temp80.9 pH pH8.38 Amp_3 Amps1.5 12/31/2012 00:07:00 TempTemp81.0 pH pH8.38 Amp_3 Amps1.6 12/31/2012 00:08:00 Temp Temp81.0 pH pH8.38 Amp_3 Amps1.6 12/31/2012 00:09:00 Temp Temp81.0 pH pH8.38 Amp_3 Amps1.6 12/31/2012 00:10:00 Temp Temp81.0 pH pH8.38 Amp_3 Amps1.6 12/31/2012 00:11:00Temp Temp81.0 pH pH8.38 Amp_3 Amps1.5 12/31/2012 00:12:00 Temp Temp81.0 pH pH8.37 Amp_3 Amps1.5 12/31/2012 00:13:00 Temp Temp81.1 pH pH8.37 Amp_3 Amps1.6 12/31/2012 00:14:00 Temp Temp81.1 pH pH8.37 Amp_3 Amps1.6 12/31/2012 00:15:00 Temp Temp81.1 pH pH8.37 Amp_3 Amps1.6 12/31/2012 00:16:00 Temp Temp81.1 pH pH8.37 Amp_3 Amps1.6 12/31/2012 00:17:00 Temp Temp81.1 pH pH8.37 Amp_3 Amps1.6 12/31/2012 00:18:00 Temp Temp81.1 pH pH8.37 Amp_3 Amps1.612/31/2012 00:19:00 Temp Temp81.2 pH pH8.37 Amp_3 Amps1.6 12/31/2012 00:20:00 Temp Temp81.2 pH pH8.37 Amp_3 Amps1.6 12/31/2012 00:21:00 Temp Temp81.2 pH pH8.37 Amp_3 Amps1.6 12/31/2012 00:22:00 Temp Temp81.3 pH pH8.37 Amp_3Amps1.6 12/31/2012 00:23:00 Temp Temp81.3 pH pH8.37 Amp_3 Amps1.6 12/31/2012 00:24:00 Temp Temp81.3 pH pH8.37 Amp_3 Amps1.6 12/31/2012 00:25:00 Temp Temp81.3 pH pH8.37 Amp_3 Amps1.5 12/31/2012 00:26:00 Temp Temp81.3 pH pH8.37Amp_3 Amps1.6 12/31/2012 00:27:00 Temp Temp81.4 pH pH8.37 Amp_3 Amps1.6 12/31/2012 00:28:00 Temp Temp81.4 pH pH8.36 Amp_3 Amps1.5 12/31/2012 00:29:00 Temp Temp81.4 pH pH8.36 Amp_3 Amps1.6 12/31/2012 00:30:00 Temp Temp81.3 pHpH8.36 Amp_3 Amps1.6 12/31/2012 00:31:00 Temp Temp81.4 pH pH8.36 Amp_3 Amps1.6 12/31/2012 00:32:00 Temp Temp81.4 pH pH8.36 Amp_3 Amps1.6 12/31/2012 00:33:00 Temp Temp81.4 pH pH8.36 Amp_3 Amps1.5 12/31/2012 00:34:00 TempTemp81.4 pH pH8.36 Amp_3 Amps1.6 12/31/2012 00:35:00 Temp Temp81.5 pH pH8.36 Amp_3 Amps1.6 12/31/2012 00:36:00 Temp Temp81.5 pH pH8.36 Amp_3 Amps1.1 12/31/2012 00:37:00 Temp Temp81.5 pH pH8.36 Amp_3 Amps1.2 12/31/2012 00:38:00Temp Temp81.3 pH pH8.36 Amp_3 Amps1.1 12/31/2012 00:39:00 Temp Temp81.2 pH pH8.36 Amp_3 Amps1.1 12/31/2012 00:40:00 Temp Temp81.1 pH pH8.36 Amp_3 Amps1.1 12/31/2012 00:41:00 Temp Temp81.0 pH pH8.36 Amp_3 Amps1.2 12/31/2012 00:42:00 Temp Temp81.0 pH pH8.36 Amp_3 Amps1.1 12/31/2012 00:43:00 Temp Temp80.9 pH pH8.36 Amp_3 Amps1.1 12/31/2012 00:44:00 Temp Temp80.9 pH pH8.36 Amp_3 Amps1.1 12/31/2012 00:45:00 Temp Temp80.9 pH pH8.36 Amp_3 Amps1.112/31/2012 00:46:00 Temp Temp80.8 pH pH8.35 Amp_3 Amps1.1 12/31/2012 00:47:00 Temp Temp80.8 pH pH8.35 Amp_3 Amps1.1 12/31/2012 00:48:00 Temp Temp80.8 pH pH8.35 Amp_3 Amps1.1 12/31/2012 00:49:00 Temp Temp80.8 pH pH8.35 Amp_3 there is a tabular version in the web interface as well.
  8. carbon isn't going to remove a bacterial bloom. you might have a little luck removing them mechanically, but they won't address the root cause if it is in fact bacterial.
  9. would it change your opinion if he asked for free coral delivery, and then 24 hours later potentially purchased some in this thread? "Whammin Watermelons 15p+ $20 / 10p+ $10 / 6p - pending sourdatx"
  10. maybe start us off with the montis you have. I have a few, but don't know what's already in your collection.
  11. can I get like a 1/3th of a rhasta
  12. get to it people, I'll be upgrading tonight. http://www.neptunesystems.com/firmware-update-version-4-20/
  13. I've been huffing paint fumes all week long. that makes total sense. also, upgrade your firmware before you install. http://www.neptunesystems.com/firmware-update-version-4-20/http://www.neptunesystems.com/firmware-update-version-4-20/http://www.neptunesystems.com/firmware-update-version-4-20/
  14. do you have any mechanical filtration to pull it out if it's sand particulates vs a bloom?
  15. i need this in my life.
  16. Which, is why he is asking for free corals. Calling his judgement into question probably isn't what he came here for. Nor did he come for a life coach. I don't think anyone is calling this person out for asking for free coral. It happens all the time on the forum and people oblige it. However, to come in to the forum with little/no introduction and/or interaction and ask for concierge service was off putting when there was no prior interaction between the user and the rest of the club. Participate a little in the forum and try again later.
  17. There is no "hosting" of for the DDNS per se. It just redirects a typed web address "www.arc.com" to an IP address. Unless you plan on just using your domain for your apex, it seems like a waste of the domain for something you can have for free. Maybe i'm missing something.
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