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Everything posted by victoly

  1. looks like dino to me, but sometimes nuisance algaes are hard to ID. Give this a good read: http://reefkeeping.com/issues/2006-11/rhf/index.php The long and short of it is to a) reduce nutrients (reduced feedings, wetter skim, GFO, DSB, fuge, Biopellets, sulfur denitrator, water change) and increase pH (kalkwasser).
  2. Carbon doesn't remove anything biotic and leaves most metals untouched.
  3. I'm in the environmental business (water specifically). I know several labs around town, and after your doctors figure out whats up, shoot me a PM and we can brainstorm what the next step might be. Include JeeperTy as well, we're in the same line of work.
  4. just headed over here from your post. really digging your tank.
  5. oh exotic! thanks for the rundown, this is exactly what I was curious about.
  6. Everyone's been getting it over the winter. Dino/Cyano. Any pictures?
  7. I'm curious what dimming ratios the fine folks of arc are running on their LEDs. I have a 2 channel system (24x3w) with blue LEDs and cool white LEDs. I'm currently running my blues at 60% and my whites at 30%. However, everything is looking good in the tank and therefore I'm messing around with things
  8. Yeah, the outcome doesn't matter as much as fixing the underlying issue. If your feeding is sparse, go GFO.
  9. that's really, really weird. request that neptune hand deliver one to you
  10. that is absolutely ridiculous. do you live somewhere weird where packages get stolen or something?
  11. Your phosphates may actually be above what you are testing and the algae is consuming them down to the detectable level.
  12. My undata fell into a pile of palys the other day. It has white burns all over it.
  13. You love the ethics quarrels . Why is it not okay to frag an individual animal but it is ok to frag an individual that is a member of a colony?
  14. The secret ingredient is just the smallest amount of crack in each one. Keeps you coming back for more.
  15. Not one of those, it was from sugar mamas. My favorite!
  16. Fallback OFF OSC 510:00/000:30/930:00 Then ON The oscillate function turns an outlet on for X minutes, off for Y minutes, on for Z minutes: OSC X:Y:Z You can get down to minute resolution using the If Time function, to get seconds you have to use oscillate, i think:
  17. I had cupcakes for breakfast, and bought some everclear at specs (to clean my Drop checker cuvettes ). Going good so far.
  18. bingo. make sure dhcp is turned off on both the apex and the dd-wrt router.
  19. To answer your ip question, you do need to change the 2 to 1.
  20. Welcome. Great to have a college football fan on the board (I'm assuming). KK steals my heart.
  21. it is easier to beg for forgiveness than ask permission
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