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Everything posted by victoly

  1. don't do the dwarf sag. it never makes a nice short carpet, they grow out of control and will make you hate your life. the problem i had when I had an anubias dominated tank is that the growth rate was so slow that they would get BBA on them. sucked.
  2. Ma'am can I ask you a few questions?
  3. Welcome. It can be overwhelming at first, but there are many helpful people here. My first suggestion for you is to get yourself some live rock for biological filtration for your tank.
  4. I'd be in for a bucket of rcsp.
  5. Good point. Great minds !
  6. Maybe a little GFO in your fuge since phosphates don't affect your cycle ?
  7. There is a contest going on right now catered specifically to smaller tanks (pico-reefs), and there are some great entries. Check em out and welcome to the club and the city.
  8. that looks sketchy as hell.... UV or ozone is going to achieve the same niche and is battle tested.
  9. maybe to you they're closed. hunter can be bought. also totally kidding in the event that it's gone.
  11. I'm looking to experiment recharging GFO and DI resin, so if you're at the end of life on either of these items, save them up and I'll come get them from you. Thanks!
  12. It's been in a bucket for 3-4 years. Maybe we can work something out.
  13. Ii had very good results with Amazonia I and ii. I still have 5 gallon buckets of it somewhere.
  14. Amazonia ii is an ADA soil I believe.
  15. Aquatek is the only one worth anything IMO. Best way to go is to trade or buy on plantedtank.
  16. youre going to have a real hard time with just the pc lighting, but a nice red monti cap might work for you, theyre pretty bullet proof.
  17. just a heads up, frys is selling an off brand arduino board for those who are solder-phobic.
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