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Everything posted by victoly

  1. So I tested again after replacing my DI resin, and still came out with .02 ppm, repeatedly. My carbon block is only a few months old! What I'm thinking of trying out is putting in a new carbon block and testing weekly to see how long they last, and calculate a gallonage. Pesky HC only came with 6 packets, so I'm going to have to get another box. More money to hanna
  2. Grainger is my goto local place for locline.
  3. Is the flow on the back (where the locline comes outs) a closed loop or from bulkheads through the tank bottom?
  4. It has been my experience that the attrition rate is noticeable, but RC overpacks to compensate. I still ended up with more than I ordered after separating the dead ones out.
  5. If that's not romantic, I don't know what is.
  6. Wowza! are y'all moving to Austin or just admiring from afar?
  7. gold is nonreactive and pretty dense.
  8. I'll take a 4 as well.
  9. How tall is your tank and where is the chalice vertically ?
  10. I keep mine on the very bottom. My experience with chalices is that they like low light and low flow.
  11. victoly

    zoa id

    Gonna need better photos to help ID.
  12. George: nope. I'd be happy to test if you get me a sample.
  13. http://www.reefkeeping.com/issues/2003-11/rhf/feature/ Here's the RHF article on chloramines. Tends to mirror my observations about the carbon blocks letting some chloramine through.
  14. I picked one up in my order, I'll do testing then to see if it makes a difference. It may be as simple as changing your carbon block more regularly (i do mine semiannually, but maybe quarterly is more in order). More testing is in order!
  15. I kinda doubt it, i think that if it's in a closed loop with carbon in your tank, that a reading of 0.01 would eventually dissipate.
  16. Just a head's up to all you fine folks on city of austin water: I puchased a hanna total chlorine HC, and did a little testing of our water. My findings are: 1)Tap water came in at 1.89 ppm. 2) After going through my RODI, it came out with chloramine of 0.04 ppm. The +/- is 0.03 ppm, so its definitely had at the very least a small detection of 0.01 ppm. I need to repeat my test a few times to verify results, and then test my tank after a water change, but I still found it interesting. Also to note, my carbon block is only a month or two old, but my DI resin is about a year old.
  17. Lots of engineers and environmental folks (hydrogeologist here) on this board, you'll fit right in . You win the newcomer-doing-the-forum-right award! Looking forward to your build post.
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