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Everything posted by victoly

  1. good point. the only thing that would concern me would be paint/paint fumes. drywall (dust) is primarily gypsym (calcium sulfate) which will rinse away easily. As for the paint, just run carbon, it will remove VOCs like a charm. I'd triple rinse the tank (using a hose would probably be fine), then fill twice (and drain) before you get your tank water going. I don't think vinegar or bleach will be necessary, but it if helps you be at ease, vinegar certainly wont hurt.
  2. absolutely, I'm gonna get back with him in a few weeks when he has a better idea of what has healed up on plug. He's vehemently opposed to selling/shipping fresh cut frags.
  3. I just talked to one of my friends, Mr Dan Rigle, about getting together a group buy. He's about 4-6 weeks from having enough stock (he aquacultures all his own stuff) for a shipment to us. If we can get to $500, shipping will be free. He doesn't have a stock list at the moment, but I'll attach a few article from him to show you the quality stuff that he has. He's one of the best in the business. http://www.coralmagazine-us.com/content/aquarium-portrait-dan-rigles-acropora-obsession http://reefkeeping.com/joomla/index.php/current-issue/article/75-tank-of-the-month http://uniquecorals.com/default/coral/dan-rigle-corals/leptoseris-sp-dr-toxic-leptoseris-1-wysiwyg-frag.html http://uniquecorals.com/default/coral/dan-rigle-corals.html Total: $400-600 + 5 somethings BOLD TEXT MEANS CONFIRMATION THAT YOURE STILL IN AS OF 6/20/13 RichardL - $10,000,000 Victoly - $100 Gig'Em - $100 Jestep -$50-100 SAM - $100 Capt. Obvious-$150 Dshel - $50 Bio3 - $50-100 Crendon - Something Mitch - $100, $125 if it helps him get draft priority Olaggie - something Ckyuv - something mFrame - something ShawnM - something Draft Order: (Running total $500) 1) Victoly 2) Capt. Obvious 3) Mitch 4) SAM 5) Dshel Box 2, needs to get to 500 before we can fill it. 1) Haze152 (Running total $100)
  4. Why the vinegar, even? Isn't this a new tank?
  5. I'm recharging GFO based on this guide: http://www.advancedaquarist.com/2010/10/chemistry DI resin with this guide: http://reefkeeping.com/issues/2008-09/nftt/index.php I have access to these chemicals and appropriate safety equipment. I want to get good at this and then work out some kind of coop where you bring me your media, I clean it, and keep some to reselll and give you the rest back. or something.
  6. So excited for you. And for me.
  7. all that's left is the blue clove polyps. I have an infinite supply
  8. fehhhhhhhhhhhh. can you screenshot your settings page on the web interface?
  9. Absolutely. Pm me for logistics.
  10. I suspect that once it hits your tank, that the amount of reactable stuff in your tank takes 0.02 ppm to zero pretty quickly without much effect on the system at large. When you think of 0.02 ppm, you're in the hundred million range, or, drops in a swimming pool .
  11. Sign, date, and witness signs (three total people) seems to be pretty solid.
  12. I'll be patenting my process and retiring to a tropical island.
  13. 0/10, need more glare to make a good judgement of tank.
  14. I still need to test my tank water to see what happens once it makes it into the tank (i suspect that at levels that low, that it reacts with stuff in the tank (hopefully not inhabitants so much!)) but i need to order more reagent sachet's before i get too hot and heavy.
  15. Awesome! I'll come grab it whenever you're free.
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