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Everything posted by victoly

  1. Youre right you didnt, because I did
  2. I do wish we had basements in Texas. In my whole life, I have only seen two houses in Texas that had basements. Limestone and groundwater make it verrrry tricky.
  3. you should be able to scrap something together with all of your reef plumbing.
  4. hah, no, i was bidding on some blues with green centers. We need to have a weekly AAF thread where we link to what we're bidding on so we don't artificially jack up prices
  5. 7,000 lbs of beer can trashure
  6. so it was you i was bidding against...
  7. So to keep this ball rolling i propose two things: Thing 1: this tank needs a name Things 2: Graphic design selected name I'll start: THE FRAG RANCH
  8. How old is the tank? I don't think NH4 should be detected at all. Most fish can handle pretty high nitrates, but they're not real keen on ammonia. Were any of your fish gasping or red gilled?
  9. I already have one, but just curious to see a photo of your mother colony.
  10. I'm not breaking anything! Just finding the breaks and calling them to attention.
  11. So, it's possible that the PO4 is coming from your rocks. Where did your source them? What are your NO3 levels? GFO sounds like the panacea here, take it slow though. I really pissed off my SPS by being too aggressive with quantity and flow rate.
  12. Push on iOS is working now. tapatalk users just need to go into settings and clear their cache.
  13. I believe mike has one, check his out.
  14. there's your model number
  15. Yeah, that's the downside to the BMLEDs, you can't dim them off with the 0-10v port, you have to turn off the EB8. You might very well be able to use one 8 outlet strip (if your wattages are low enough and wont trip a single breaker) or 2 EB8 outlets and 2 4-outlet strips if you have a blue/white setup.
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