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Everything posted by victoly

  1. i like those real rhodactis shrooms, I'd take a rock of those if you come south.
  2. Maybe pull that mass, clean the fuge and start with fresh stuff?
  3. It might be that combined with the fact that you are taking out po4 with GFO leading to your chaeto being unhappy.
  4. Sure I can grab em if its just a few zoas.
  5. Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth. Life for a tentacle.
  6. Pot favors? Yes please!
  7. What was the series of events?
  8. emily is the pol pot of kenya trees.
  9. Haha, it's a really nice salt (and like i said I LOVE the bucket), but it's so expensive locally! I have had zero issues with it, but things are going pretty well so I figured I needed to screw things up a bit.
  10. Everyone wants to switch I'm in the process of switching from seachem salinity to RCSP. I'm ignoring DKR's sage advice "Dance with who brung ya"
  11. victoly


    A cat just s*it on it, you're welcome to it.
  12. victoly


    Shoes will be $250 per shoe. Size 10.
  13. lifeguard 3000 pump. The end piece is solvent welded/epoxied on. mixing pump maybe? ($10) hanna mag stirrers (2) $75 2 L (i think) volumetric flask. I used this to dose ferts back in the day when I had a planted tank. $10 each (2) i also have a mazzei injector used to dispense CO2 if anyone is interested. $20
  14. victoly


    Hydrometer (lol) Gone Empty 36" PC hood Gone CO2 Reactor (planted tanks) BC29 ballasts 2x7 PC lights with caps/ballsts/reflectors
  15. I read it's primarily produced with gaseous Cl and NH4, but who knows. Just got off chat with BRS, and apparently the 5 micron carbon block is only marginally effective at removing chloramines and that the KEY to chloramine removal is no the polishing that the pentek chloramine block provides, but the catalytic carbon that one uses in place of the standard 5 micron carbon block. http://www.bulkreefsupply.com/catalog/product/view/id/166/ ugh. in my quest for perfection, I'm ending up with way too many things that I'll never open, i just bought a set of new carbon blocks. Anyone need to BRS order?
  16. Fraglet Nursery (AFICU) Aquatic Frag Intensive Care Unit Fragenstein Fragamuffin
  17. So I added one of these from BRS: http://www.bulkreefsupply.com/catalog/product/view/id/2021/ after my 5 micron carbon filter. I flushed about a gallon or so through the new pentek chloramine 1 micron carbon filter and still got a 0.02 ppm reading on my hanna. So i emptied my RODI brute out and refilled it today. I'll take another reading this evening and see where I stand.
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