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Everything posted by victoly

  1. Oh that's what you wanted ? I can try that too.
  2. I disagree with you on several points. Point 1) The tester is plenty viable for our hobby. With initial detection of 0.04 through a standard RODI system, even with a 0.03 accuracy range, there is *still* a detection that is statistically significant (at least 0.01 mg/l). Point 2) Given my testing thus far, it would be very difficult to get 0.03 mg/l of chloramine into your system unless you mixed up straight undechlorinated water. Your water change is a percentage of total system volume, and in real world situations quickly reacts with any number of things in your tank and leaves corals relatively unharmed. In other words, we are not creating and maintaining concentrations at 0.03 mg/l in our tanks. Point 3) I would rather spend money on consumables replacing carbon than DI for the simple reason that carbon is much more effective at removing a wide range of things than DI resin is. DI resin just polishes and removes the last remaining TDS, while carbon does much of the heavy lifting.
  3. Don't make any major system changes like turning off a skimmer before you leave...
  4. Hold on to it and ill grab it when I can, if you don't mind.
  5. Super ! I'll be back in town Wednesday, but I'd be happy to coordinate something when I get back!
  6. I see it as inquisitive, not argumentative. People suggest an ATO because its a task that is a)better for your tank in terms of stability, b) relatively inexpensive and c) allows you to focus your daily maintenance into more productive areas that are difficult, expensive or otherwise tricky to automate like cleaning the glass or removing nuisance algae.
  7. Put me down for some watermelons.
  8. victoly


    All gone. Thanks to everyone involved.
  9. Best way to do this is to start a "build thread" where you post your setup, what you want to stock, and ask questions . Off to a good start with brook's old tank, looking forward to seeing it set up!
  10. i like the redundancy of 2 fixtures, 2 ballasts. that way you have something if one goes out. Also, depending on your layout, 1 400w over a 4' tank might force you to move up your fixtures to get good spread, which kind of defeats the purpose.
  11. victoly


    You got it.
  12. Maybe the t5s where your acros are and the ais up front eight penetrating lenses to the sandbed ?
  13. I'll check when I get home.
  14. roger that. when are you around?
  15. Drummmroolllllllll, chloramines are ZERO out of the RO membrane.
  16. victoly


    Cat **** pending.
  17. 1 float switch worth of frags
  18. I've got a bunch, two styles as well (rocker arm vs standard float). Not sure of make/model, but I'm sure we can arrange something if you're interested.
  19. hey if you find one, let me know.
  20. FWIW I've had good luck with autotopoff.com if you're looking to save money. It's not as bullet proof, and you have to provide your own pump, but it's another option.
  21. Sponge bob. Farting divers. Skulls. I want your air powered decorations for my sons fw tank. Lets figure something out!
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