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Everything posted by victoly

  1. I think you could draw a distinction between *necessary* and a best management practice. Necessary for low pressure? No. Good idea? Probably. For example, in many areas, you can't use clear primer because inspectors want to be sure that you used primer (purple or blue). This is more of a necessity in high pressure scenarios, but it does soften up the PVC and make a better/stronger bond between pieces. Throw my 2 cents into the mix.
  2. AHS new store is an absolute monstrosity (in a good way). They are extremely helpful, knowledgeable and have reasonable prices. It's a great hobby to get into, and has very complimentary equipment and science to reefkeeping.
  3. Looking good! I feel like 2 50w heaters may be a little undersized for the tank. Since we're in texas, it's not a huge deal, but just something to consider.
  4. I could have sworn that at about 9 am this morning, that tank was totally bare... You've been a very busy boy today!
  5. Might be a good opportunity for some ARC'ers to get together on a group by to defray shipping.
  6. normally you dont have to beg to get rid of an MP10. Try reefcentral, they are desperate over there.
  7. im down. got any pictures of the small ones?
  8. if you got anymore, i'd take a chunk
  9. Argh, why are all the reefers up north! I'd make you an offer on the rock but don't want to load up the fam for an hour drive in the car. First world problems.
  10. ill take the maxijet and the rio. do you ever come to the south side of town?
  11. The big differerentiator seems to be the type of LED used. School of thought states that while Cree are more expensive, they are more efficient and you can get a little more light with less heat. I'd check out some of the screw in bulbs if you're looking to do a pedant. Pretty hard to beat the ease of install into a standard light socket. My LEDs are on order right now for my biocube 29, so I can let you know what my experience is. --- I am here: http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=30.205091,-97.835974
  12. Welcome to the club. We meet at home depot every weekend. --- I am here: http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=30.205243,-97.835989
  13. Love the tank! I like how quickly you went from "NO SPS" to "i might just get a few sps....
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