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Everything posted by victoly

  1. So now that my sig is working, I've found something else to obsess over. My apex charts (using the apex's internal webserver) don't show anything! I've tried them on multiple computers using multiple browsers and I don't see anything. Anyone else had this issue? I'm sure it's something idiotic that I've done.
  2. Oh ok. I'm just running straight LEDs (no optics) as well. This setup is so similar to the Radions, i wonder how they avoided the color banding?
  3. Which store did you go to?
  4. Lookin' good thus far. Would it be possible to use wider lenses on the colors that you have less of to give a wider spread? Might help to eliminate some of the bad color banding juju.
  5. No me gusta, sir. It's hard to justify the cost for a heater controller (apex, etc) but all it takes is one wipeout to make you change your mind. Godspeed.
  6. victoly

    Brain Fart

    You are correct, this is a big no-no.
  7. I can probably swing that. Shoot me a reminder text at like 1030. ill pm you my phone number.
  8. oh i have the iphone app and use it religiously. i didnt get a display unit. thanks for the tip!
  9. You are the mcguyver of QT tanks. Looks great bro.
  10. bump for a great price on ecotechs. if you don thave them you need them.
  11. I could potentially help depending on time. I live south. When were you thinking?
  12. can you post the code to get your apex to show in your sig?
  13. Lookin good. I've got a Jackson myself. They're trouble makers i tell ya! Tank looks like it is progressing nicely. WRT to LED dimming, are you using a standalone controller or an apex?
  14. hahaha. did management (wife) get on you about it??
  15. really good little skimmer. did you upgrade your nano?
  16. Now if you can just make me a mini apex out of acrylic, we can call it a day.
  17. Simple but effective. Looking forward to build pics
  18. What aquifier are you getting chlorinated solvents from? I use Trinity Aquifier water straight out of the ground into my reef tanks.Why does ground water have chlorinated solvents? Patrick Surficial aquifers. You would be astounded at the quantity of shallow groundwater contamination that we have statewide as a result of heavy industry and oil and gas production. Luckily it only rarely affects the deep stuff that we use for water supply. And to answer the why, it was standard operating procedure to store wastewater in unlined pits.
  19. What are you planning on using to dim? If you use an apex, you dont even need to power them via the eb8, and can simply use the dimmer to control the on/off. You also wont get that annoying bright flash on power down.
  20. **** sooner, i refuse to answer you question! Does that answer your question? Meh, the petroleum geologists make about double my salary, but I get to live in austin instead of houston. I consider it a worthy trade. Bio3/Chris - Honestly, I'm not sure. Is the extra step you're referring to letting it dry prior to cranking up the heat? If so, it seems to me that the heating process is going to drive off the water anyway, unless there is some other reaction happening that I'm not aware of. My preference is to toss the stuff anyway.
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