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Everything posted by victoly

  1. baby seat on a road bike. You're brave man
  2. Stoneroller that coral is amazing. What is it?
  3. Wait, very tough decision? To move to Maui? That would be the easiest decision that I could ever make Good luck.
  4. It's definitely an undertaking. How much of DIYer are you?
  5. The one time my RSS reader decides to crap out and i miss this... Good luck!
  6. good lord mike. This is getting out of hand. You are a hell of a salesman!
  7. http://m.grainger.com/mobile/details/?R=1MKH6 Will this work ? I have a granger account and can order it for You if need be. Might call and see if they have it in stock.
  8. Sidenote, after a water change and the zoa dip, everything seems to be much happier. They still haven't popped out yet, but they look better. This is kind of a sidebar, but how do y'all feel about water change frequency? I'm more partial to smaller changes weekly (5 gal weekly for a 29 gallon tank), but some of the gurus recommend a larger change less frequently to facilitate stability.
  9. He's gonna be so excited! The tank move will happen this week, and I want to give myself at least a week or two to stabilize before i chunk in 3 fish.
  10. Ive bought quite a bit from flexpvc through the years, mostly for my pond. They have a great selection of odds and ends fittings (3" clear PVC gate valve? Why not?!). Whoever is in charge of procuring sponsorships is doing a great job. Once we can afford an ARC Cadillac, I want a ride
  11. I didn't notice a sizable slime really, even prior to dipping. They look clean now, so we shall see. Luckily it was a cheapie colony, I'm more concerned that there is a systemic issue than something amiss with the zoas specifically. I have some other zoas and palys that seem happy, as is most of the rest of my tank. Dunno. I'm in real estate/closing/moving hell right now, so my tank is simultaneously a nice distraction and something I'd rather not be messing with.
  12. Oh no, not at all. The crab was gone before I did the dip. Some of my pieces have just looked particularly unhappy lately and I'm trying to figure out what is going on.
  13. Did the dip last night. Tossed the eyes of rah frag. I also lost an emerald crab yesterday, so I'm kind of scratching my head here. I'm looking around to see if my son dropped something funky in the tank...
  14. great video. makes me wanna see his 1200 gallon tank.
  15. Yeah, i would think with your pillar/pile layout, that a cannon might be a more effective use of light. That is of course unless you plan on doing some sandbed placement.
  16. The move is scheduled for this coming week, so cross your fingers that underwriting goes through . I'll probably still need a week or two to get things settled and happy after the move. My son asks constantly how the fish are doing at the "fish doctor". I tell him they're doing great and are very happy in a big tank with some friends.
  17. Got some peroxide, gonna give it a shot tonight. I'll clip the dead heads and cross my fingers.
  18. You're not the only one with the weirdest, uh, LED related phenomenon.
  19. So i picked up a nice colony of zoas two weeks ago. They looked fine at RCA, and ever since theyve been in my tank they rarely open, and just generally look pissed. Everything else in the tank (frogspawn, bubble, etc) seem very happy, but not so much for the zoas. My first two thoughts were my LEDs (24x3watt)@40% and too much flow (mp10@50%reef mode). Am i missing something?
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